Victory in the First Battle


A strange howl slowly echoed, reverberating across this stretch of sea. Upon hearing this sound, the attacking demons halted, unhesitatingly retreating.

In just a few minutes, the demons below the city walls receded like the tide. Leaving behind thousands of corpses, they quickly moved out of range of cannons and arrow towers, merging with the demon army arranged in the distance, collectively retreating towards the further reaches of the sea.

The remaining demons, fighting fiercely in the sky and sea, also hastily withdrew, fearing they would become the next hunted targets.

The legendary-tier demon hero, who had engaged in intense combat with Herald both in the sea and in the sky, felt a sense of relief upon hearing the retreat signal. Hastily casting a wide-reaching spell to repel Herald's advance, he then retreated somewhat awkwardly back to his own lines.