Demon-slaying? God-slaying!

Since the dark figure descended, the entire world fell into a silence as oppressive as death. The arrogant Undead Lord, now kneeling on the ground like the lowliest servant, spoke with reverence and even flattery to the supreme being.

"Great God of Decay, your most faithful servant, Maldonis, humbly welcomes your arrival!"

The dark figure glanced over—though lacking the apparent organs of eyes, it seemed as if otherworldly eyes focused on the Undead Lord.

It was as if wailing demons from the depths of hell and the murmurs of gods spreading fear and death in the void echoed in the air.

"Maldonis, why have you summoned me to the primary realm? Did I not say that only in dire times, where life and death hang in the balance, should this opportunity be used?"

The Undead Lord, full of fear, lifted his head slightly but still dared not meet the gaze of the God of Decay, tremblingly replied.