The First Conflict, That Man! (2)

The commanders of the divine realm's army slowly raised their weapons, pointing them towards the Crown of the Ocean below, shouting loudly.

"Soldiers, under the command of our gods, slaughter these blasphemous mortals, spreading the divine authority of our gods, letting the world know of our might and power!"

"The first battalion, charge forth! Trample this territory underfoot!"

The army of the Ocean God clenched their weapons infused with the power of the sea, their proud eyes filled with disdain, anger, and excitement, roaring with waves of divine might from their throats.

These contemptible mortals dared to offend the dignity of the gods and deserved death!!

The divine realm's army advanced slowly, suddenly charging downward, revealing their magnificent might.

The Crown of the Ocean's forces faced them without fear, meeting them head-on.