Altering Perceptions, How Dare You Touch Someone From Our Elven Divine Realm? (2)

From the beginning to now, they had come to understand a few things.

The high and mighty Oceanic Divinities seemed unwilling to let this young human with boundless potential achieve divinity. They acted with a kind of arrogance that was so extreme, that they hardly considered whether their reasons were valid before hastily sending their divine realm troops to nip this bud in its growth.

Then, the commander of the divine realm troops, unable to breach the barrier, furiously resorted to hurling insults as if in a quarrel on the streets.

Watching the lively text broadcast on the scene, the emotions of players in the chat channel were stirred up as well.

"Damn, how shameless are these Oceanic Divinities? Seeing Big Boss Ji Chen about to become a god, they send troops to kill him off? Can they get any more shameless?"

"These Oceanic Divinities are a bunch of jokers. They are an embarrassment. We better not associate with this Oceanic Divine Lineage!"