Shocking Truth

The canopy resembled a lush green umbrella, shading the entire sky. The crisscrossing branches were like the ribs of the umbrella, while the luxuriant green leaves formed the canopy, supporting this world just like the legendary World Tree.

According to Ji Chen's estimation, this giant tree was at least tens of thousands of meters tall. However, it might have appeared so towering due to the special spatial rules of the Divine Realm.

However, this giant tree actually supported the core of the entire Natural Divine Realm.

The taller and thicker the tree, the more vast and expansive the space it could support. It was a treasure nurtured by generations of natural divine spirits over countless ages.

Above the canopy and trunk was the realm of the gods.

Among the dense branches and green leaves, Ji Chen saw two coffins wrapped and entwined by vines, hanging in a cavity at the center of the canopy.