Chapter 31 Who is Slandering Me?_1

[Wei'er carefully stowed away the scroll]

[You asked in some surprise, "Can this still be used?"]

["It can't anymore," Wei'er shook her head, "This is a one-time use skill scroll. Its activation came from the purification runes my mother left behind, which become ineffective after they've done their job."]

["You should rest for a while now. Even though the curse has been dispelled, the damage inside your body still exists."]

["Try to sleep for a bit, the light of purification also aids in healing wounds."]

[Traveler, you felt a strong wave of drowsiness overwhelm you]

[You fell into a brief slumber···]

[Estimated awakening time: 15 minutes]

Luo Xi checked his phone.

It was nine-thirty.

He stretched his body, put the hat that was set aside on his head, and climbed out of bed.

Standing in front of the washstand, Luo Xi looked at himself in the mirror and sighed.

"These horns still haven't disappeared, huh."