Chapter 49 Aina didn't lie either_1


[Traveler, you're thinking to yourself, "I'm just going to take a quick look and nothing more; there shouldn't be any problems, right?"]

[Aina tiptoes up behind you, gives you a gentle push, and in a mischievous tone whispers, "Sister Wei'er is quite funny when she's asleep, and once she's deep in slumber, nothing can wake her up. You can be a bit bolder, Brother Luo Xi~"]

[Traveler, you allowed yourself to be half pushed, half persuaded into their bedroom by the Little Wolf Girl]

[The bedroom you enter is indeed the same one you saw before, but now, there's only Wei'er lying on her side on the big bed]

[The Cat-eared Girl curls up like a newly born kitten, her light and snowy white tail extending from beneath the blanket, coiling several times around her slender arm, with the tip grasped in her hand while her petite cat ears occasionally flicker lightly]

[Ding! Your Happiness Level +20]