Chapter 61 Strange Strategy Route Appears_1


"Horned Aunt holds a shovel and sharply says to you, 'Don't think that just because those two girls are alone and vulnerable you can bully them as you please. The Black Snake who bullied them the day before yesterday is now hanging outside the Snake and Rat Meeting's main gate!'"

"Traveler, you immediately express that you are the one who took down Black Snake."

"The aunt's expression pauses, and she puts down her shovel, sizing you up."

"'Can you take off your hat? That night, I saw from upstairs, the person fighting Black Snake also had horned mutation characteristics on their head.'

After you take off your hat, the aunt's expression immediately relaxes."

Ding! The aunt's favorability towards you +40

Ding! The aunt's favorability towards you +20

Current favorability level of the aunt towards you: 60 (Handsome, strong, promising young man)