Chapter 73 Sleeping Together and Such, Danger~_1

[Traveler, Wei'er has come back and told you that there are many bodies hanging on the hill opposite, making for a very eerie scene.]

[Hearing the girl's description, you also felt goosebumps rise on your skin. How could you, who live in an era of peace, imagine the bizarre sight of hundreds of corpses suspended from the trees?]

[After a brief discussion, you all decide to change your course, heading deeper into the city to avoid the peculiar clearing ahead.]

[You are walking slowly on the snowy ground...]

[Do you want to accelerate?]


Luo Xi, as usual, pulls the acceleration to the highest setting.

It must be said that the game design's acceleration feature is quite essential; after all, who could stand the frequent hang-ups of several hours if you can only see text on the screen.

It feels like about half a minute has passed, which is 15 minutes in reality, when the text on the screen changes.

[Traveler, you have found a small cabin in the snowy forest.]