Chapter 84: Aina's brother-in-law is going to become her sister's brother-in-law~_1

Wei'er remained composed.

But inside, her heart churned like the tide.

Who was this woman?

Why did she know her mother's name, even her surname?

What was her relationship with her mother? Was she, like Rat King Nos, coveting something on her person?

Wei'er bowed her head in silence for a long time, while Aina also lowered her head, without uttering a word.

After what felt like an eternity, Wei'er finally raised her head and quietly said, "Liya is our mother. May I ask who you are?"

"So Teacher Liya is actually your mother..."

Under the gaze of the two little Lolitas, the woman paused for a long time, seemingly coming to a realization, before she said with a smile, "My name is Lena. You might not believe this, but I was once an apprentice of Teacher Liya. She led me on the path toward Transcendence and taught me various skills in scroll-making. Without Teacher Liya, I would likely still be eating relief meals from the Mansion of the City Lord."