Chapter 113: If you pet my tail, can I resurrect then_1?

Gasany looked at the old power armor charging wildly across the sanatorium yard as if no one were present.

A team of guards was chased everywhere.

Why did he feel that the controller inside the armor wasn't very strong?

At least not as strong as described in yesterday's incident.

Where are the other guards?

Why haven't they shown up yet?

Gasany looked into the distance.

Oh, they were all like him, hiding in the corners and watching from afar.

From start to finish, only the honest ones had rushed in.

After all, most of the elite soldiers who came to the sanatorium were shrewd, and no one wanted to rush out to be cannon fodder without reaching the third tier; humans were not made of steel and couldn't directly contend with armor.

Gasany finally couldn't stand it anymore.

It's one thing for me as a leader to watch, but you subordinates just spectate?

What's your position, and what's mine?