Chapter 123: The cat's body is fragrant, tiny and soft (*´﹃`)_1

[Traveler, your mood seems to have improved a bit.]

[Looking at the sulking cat in front of you, you wonder to yourself, is Wei'er throwing a tantrum?]

[It's understandable, if you put yourself in her shoes. If you were someone who had been taking care of a younger sister for three years and were nearly an adult yourself, would you want to be treated like a child?]

[Traveler, you say, "Sorry, I shouldn't have treated you like a child."]

[Wei'er is startled, then turns her head and says, "You don't need to apologize so formally, I'm not angry."]

[Ding! Wei'er's Favorability towards you +5]

Luo Xi: "..."

Such a tsundere Cat Lady, verbally disagreeable but honest in action.

[Traveler, you continue on your journey.]


[After spending an hour, you make your way through places patrolled by guards and various streets, arriving once again at the third ring.]

[Heading forward, past those splendid buildings, you would soon reach the true heart of Winter City.]