Chapter 127: The cat is soft, tiny and fragrant, second bloom of the plum blossom (*´﹃`)_1

Wei'er began to panic.

This child actually mentioned her mother's name.

Combining with her previous observations at the Mansion of the City Lord, Wei'er was now afraid that this child had some sort of connection with her mother...

It couldn't possibly be that melodramatic, could it?

She definitely didn't want to mysteriously gain a blood-related brother or something.

Luo Xi, on the other hand, was wondering—just how similar did Cat Cat resemble her mother?

Lena, Luweiya, and even this young City Owner had recognized at a glance the blood relationship between Wei'er and Liya.

He slightly turned, shielding Cat Cat behind him, just in case the child suddenly lashed out.

Luo Xi himself didn't care much, but Wei'er was brought here by him.

Before he retraced his death to today, Luo Xi didn't want to see the girl die or get hurt because of him.

However, the young City Owner made no excessive moves.