Chapter 170: The Meeting of Liya and Her Daughter and the Reward for the Task (4600)_2

Having said that, Liya walked towards the square, which was in disarray as if it had just witnessed a fierce battle.

She felt the snowflakes falling on her body.

This snow was actually warm.

Just like the young man she had not seen for long, with his flowing hot blood and his sincere, noble soul.

—[Ding! Liya's favorability towards you +60]


Winter Legion Headquarters.

A soldier was reporting to the person at the desk: "Acting Legion Commander Zide, we have razed the mansion of that senior judge, but still haven't found him, he seems to have gone into hiding... From various signs, it's possible he has left Winter City."

"He got away?"

Zide punched the wall behind him, creating a deep dent in it.

The old man actually escaped?!

Then how are those innocent people, who were arbitrarily sentenced to death by Delkus in the last three years and have already been executed, supposed to demand justice from him?