Chapter 185 Dressing Aina in Long White Stockings (Don't lick it!)_1

Luo Xi felt as if there was indeed a glaring cleaver hovering above his head.

A cute Beast Eared Girl's favorability towards you keeps rising, which should be a beautiful thing.

But when favorability rises too much, it could turn into a beautiful demise.

[Note: Actually, it's not that bad. As long as you, garbage Traveler, don't abandon her halfway, at most you'd just be chopped into several pieces by the cleaver, just endure it and it'll pass, you won't die~]

Goddamn endure it and it'll pass, won't die my ass!

Brother Cheng would cry if he saw this!

Luo Xi resisted the urge to continue to pet Aina's wolf ears, removing his hand from her head.

Before heading to Wanxiang City, he had to get Aina a pair of ordinary shoes so she could walk; oh, and a hat was needed too, to cover up those wolf ears on her head.