Chapter 190: What did Brother do with Aina's tail? Hurry up~ Brother's yogurt is so delicious!_1

Strange titles have increased again.

But it seems they are of no use for the time being.

And what does "spreading overseas" mean?

The only thing Luo Xi could think of was the incident last night.

But after he activated Spark last night, it only took him a few minutes to clean up those cats and dogs, so why did it spread overseas?

Was it spread by those who ran away?

It shouldn't be possible, right? Is their efficiency that high?

Luo Xi squinted and read the description of the text again.

The recognition of 2000 Otherworld Travelers...

2000?! Fxxk!

tnnd, which bastard is setting me up?!

If I had known last night, I would have slain them all!

[Ding! Your Killing Intent Value +20]

[Note: Garbage Traveler, are you surprised?]

Surprised, I'm so surprised I could die of social shame!

Even if it's a title given by others' recognition, why is it "The Black Lolita-Con Reaper" instead of just "The Black Reaper"?

Don't these people think the latter sounds smoother?