Chapter 193 Liya: The kid who bends my cabbage, come here and get beated! (Step on!)_1

Liya, as someone who had been around the block, was quite sensitive to these kinds of things.

In the morning, it was sticky, white, bars... there was just too much to eat all at once.

Combining all these factors, Liya immediately thought of something very unpleasant.

This bastard couldn't have really done something indescribable to Aina, could he?

Where was his noble and sincere spirit?

Had she been blind once again?

Liya thought back to his words, "My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, all that I do is righteous."

Could it be that even the latter part of this phrase was what he considered the truth?

Whatever he wanted to do was righteous to him, whether it was saving people in Winter City or the terrible things he did to his own daughter...

[Ding! Liya's Alertness Value towards you +44]