Chapter 192: Yogurt? Mother-in-law, the Lord, Caught on the Spot! _1

When the Ferris wheel reached its lowest point, Ai Xue was already waiting outside. As soon as Luo Xi emerged, she approached him with a chilled beverage in each hand.

"Senior, this cola is for you, Aina gave it to... Huh? Where did Aina go?"

Ai Xue peered in, confused, at the empty cabin, finding no sign of the Wolf Eared Lolita.

Luo Xi subconsciously touched his face, feeling the remnants of moisture there.

He calmly said, "Aina has already gone back."

"Gone back?"

Ai Xue was slightly startled.

She had thought that Senior managed to permanently bring that Wolf Eared Lolita over from Dreamland.

So there was a time limit after all?

"So, Senior, where are we going this afternoon?"

Ai Xue felt a little excited inside.

Now that the third wheel was gone, it was going to be an exclusive time for her and Senior.

In the afternoon, I think... let's move houses. I suggest you consider moving too, Ai Xue. Things might get a bit restless around here lately."