Chapter 208 Double Flight. Sister Set Meal? Even you have it, Garbage Traveler~_1

"Traveler, you have no interest in explaining to this passerby just how much effort it took to coax these two take these two girls on a trip with you."

"You gently set Aina down from your back and ruffled her hair, smiling, 'Don't overthink it, she's my little sister. Isn't it normal for girls her age to always be nagging and dreaming about marrying their big brother?'"

"Kyro looked skeptical, 'But my sister back home, she used to be okay as a kid, now she just calls me a 'useless person who can only do blacksmithing' all day. Are there really sisters who, even after growing up, still cling to their brothers like you said?'"


"Aina happily nuzzled the palm of your hand with her head and cooperated by saying, 'Aina likes big brother the most!'"

"It seems your sister really does cling to you a lot..."

"Kyro watched you with a bit of envy."

<>Ding! Kyro's Envy Value toward you +66

<>Ding! Wei'er's Anger Value toward you +30