Chapter 211 Legal Lolita... Changed her age? The appearance of the Lord of Belgri Town_1

[Ding! You have grasped through learning: The Flower-roll Sword Strike]

[Skills Mastered: One Form (Cloudflow, The Flower-roll Sword Strike)]

Accompanied by a crisp buzzing sound, the long sword in Luo Xi's hand vibrated incessantly, slicing the leaves he had tossed into the air moments before into fine pieces, scattering them in the night breeze like a disheveled bouquet.

By now, he had mastered the basics of the Cloudflow Flower-roll Sword Technique taught by Master Jiujian in just two days.

This sword technique prioritized delicacy and fluidity, which suited Luo Xi with his strength but lack of sufficient skill perfectly.

It was already half past eleven.

The Dream world would soon be available.

The two objectives for tonight were to find the Hollow Flower and to get a clear picture of the situation in Belgri Town.


Someone rang the doorbell from the villa's courtyard.