Chapter 228: You Can't be Lewd, Aina, the Lost Cat Cat_1

Ai Xue immediately went back to her room and rummaged through various clothes after hearing that the Cat-eared Girl was about to come over.

"Senior said he likes cute types of girls, so he should like Lolita style, right?"

"Damn it, why does it have to be during the day? Doesn't this make me less competitive?"

Luo Xi had no idea what Ai Xue was doing after she went back, but since the Cat Cat hadn't arrived yet, Luo Xi took another trip to the Dream world before the noon update time arrived.

If he wanted to establish order in Belgri Town from scratch, he needed enough manpower.

Truth be told, he had no clue about management, but now he was somewhat of a dictator in a certain sense and could use his strength to bring this place to the state he desired.

A golden book with strange patterns drawn on it appeared in his hand.

[True Canon·Belgri]

[Quality: Purple Color (Epic-)]

[Category: Object of Authority Symbolization]