Chapter 231: Cat Cat and Rival, Mutation Upgrade, Dragonization State! (6k two in one)_3

[Ding! Traveler, you have entered Mutation Tier Two]

[Factor Concentration: 2.00%→5.01%]

[Ding! Your Strength +30, Physique +30, Spirit +10, Intelligence +10, your Flame System Skills power +10%]

[Ding! The level of all your common skills has been raised]

[Skill: Abyss Flame has been upgraded to LV2, allowing you to switch between Red Flame and Black Flame]

[Skill: Regional Scale Armor Coverage has been upgraded, you have acquired the skill: Dragonization LV1]

[Dragonization LV1]

[Description: Upon use, you can temporarily deepen the Mutation Degree for an incomplete Dragonization, significantly enhancing your own strength and defense, gaining advanced regenerative abilities, high resistance to Skills and physical attacks; maximum duration of 15 minutes, after which the body will suffer an 80% weakened effect for 12 hours, skill cooldown time is 24 hours (Being human has limits! So stop being one!)]]

[You have acquired the skill: Dragon Breath LV2]