Chapter 233: Cat Cat and Ai Xue's coldness, firewood knife and scumbag are a perfect match~ (5k two-in-one)_1

"Master, you're going too fast now! You need to decelerate!"

"I know."

Luo Xi, listening to the howling wind by his ears, accelerated continuously due to the gravity acceleration alone, unlike the ascent. After employing the power of flames to propel himself, his descent speed instantly broke through 300 meters per second, approaching the speed of sound.

The howling wind scraped against Spark's armor like knives but had no effect on him; however, the guy he was carrying had already fallen completely unconscious.

Under the triple assault of hypoxia, low temperature, and fierce wind, even a Third-tier Skill Practitioner couldn't withstand it.

Luo Xi slowly turned his head and feet, and bright red flames burst forth beneath him, transforming into a reverse thrust below Spark, which slowed down his increasingly rapid descent as he neared about a thousand meters from the ground.

With about three minutes left of Dragonization time, Luo Xi finally landed on the ground.