Chapter 237: I was Obviously the First One Here? I Like Them All! _2


Am I being a bit too greedy?

I've already made a scumbag's declaration of 'I want everything.'

Why am I still so hesitant?

[Note: Garbage Traveler, since you're aiming to be a scumbag, why not go for it? This is the only girl who can be both demure and Lolita, isn't it perfect? You can hide your sexual inclination during the day, and at night, you can do those bustard things!]


Pressing her lips together and holding up her slipping trousers, Ai Xue's moment before entering the stairwell was interrupted as a pair of hands suddenly reached from behind and wrapped around her slender waist.

The girl's body instantly stiffened, even though her strength, with her talent's enhancement, was much stronger than Luo Xi's, weakened by eighty percent, she felt totally powerless.

"Se... Senior... what are you doing..." she asked.

Luo Xi hugged Ai Xue's petite body tightly and bent down to whisper in her ear:

"I'm really grateful that you've always liked me."