Chapter 245 The Spring of Sisters is Coming_1


At the sight of Feya, tears streamed down Lynn's face.

Perrier was stunned on the spot.

His lips trembled ever so slightly.

He wanted to ask, 'Why did you come back, Feya?'

Then came a feeling of immense relief.

Feya had returned.

So, this elf from the City of Yuye, would he now spare them?


Perry raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

What was he thinking?

Letting such a child bear this burden.

How was he any different from Varden and his ilk?

The aura of weakness that had begun to envelop Perrier surged once more, and he stepped forward.

A cold blue light began to sparkle around him, and the bitter cold Yuan Su overflowed from his body, frosting the very ground where he trod.


From Feya's mouth, two arcane syllables suddenly echoed.

At that moment, both the rampaging Mutant Factor and the Yuan Su within Perrier's body stalled.

Silvio's gaze also changed instantly.

The manic joy on his face turned into terror and unease.