Chapter 250 Save Me, Dragon Mama! (5800) _3

"Cloudflow Flower-roll, Myriad Flowers Cloud Slice! Critical Strike!"

The bright red orb of flames, wielding a sharp long sword, collided with the barrier in front of the flying vessel. The invisible barrier rapidly shrank under the pressure of tremendous strength, but the other side didn't need to block for long, just a few seconds would be enough.

"Energy charging complete!"

Ariana, her face flushed with excitement, pointed at Luo Xi who was still more than two meters away from her, and commanded.

"Doomsday Cannon! Fire!"

Consequently, the front end of the flying vessel opened, revealing a cannon mouth with a radius of several centimeters. A power that caused even the current Luo Xi to shudder, spilled out continuously.

A gray light gathered within, subtly distorting the surrounding space and a large amount of black lightning surged around the cannon's mouth!

Then, the amassed strength shot out toward the oncomer in a blast!