Chapter 260: The Real Death and Moonflow's Flashback_1

The Divine Tree's shadow showed up in reality?

Luo Xi got a bit confused by what Jiujian said.

Wasn't the Divine Tree a 'special product' of the Dreamworld?

Then, he received a night photograph.

The photo was a night view taken by a drone from the sky. Amidst the sprawling mountains, there was a bowl-shaped, semi-transparent, greyish-black curtain, inside of which a huge tree shadow could be seen.

Although it wasn't very clear, Luo Xi immediately deduced that if that tree shadow wasn't the Divine Tree, it was probably something similar.

But why would it appear in reality?

[Note: This world is also gradually being infiltrated by It, pathetic Traveler. Now do you still want to run away? ~]

It's infiltration?

Luo Xi thought of the eerily vast ocean of the Dreamworld.

Would reality gradually follow in the footsteps of the Dreamworld?

This world doesn't have the protection of the Eternal Divine Tree. If those bizarre entities really appear...