Chapter 005: A Military Recruitment Assessment_1

It had nothing to do with his age, nor the war between the Federation and the Empire. Ji Xinghe, who had led an honest, ordinary life all his life, now only sought revenge.

But he couldn't head to the alien planet frontline by himself because the atmosphere of the alien planet was not suitable for human survival. Without breathing equipment in the meager atmospheric layer, one would die. One had to have an astronaut suit for protection due to the severe change in temperature between day and night, which could be extremely chaotic. Additionally, unpredictable storms and a disturbing magnetic field rendered many technologies inoperative…

Apart from military bases, there were no habitats suitable for humans at the alien front lines. Even the Empire's apes, famous for their strong physique, struggled to survive for long periods on the alien surface without suitable equipment.

While wearing space suits, humans were not well-suited for combat. On the one hand, movement was restricted. On the other hand, even a minor breach could lead to potential oxygen leakage and ultimately death. But the Empire's apes only needed to carry additional breathing apparatus, which resulted in the complete collapse of the Federation in the initial encounters, but endings often signify new beginnings.

The Federation Science Academy developed a new generation of war machines— the Mechas. Although the Mechas were not suitable for fighting on the Azure Star, they excelled on the alien planet where the gravity was relatively weak and high-tech weapons could not be used.

As a result, the Federation rebuilt its bases, camps, and mines on the alien planet, while mining alien resources, and managed to keep the enemy off their home planet.

The Empire's species of apes and monkeys arrived directly at the alien planet via the Transition Gate. After research, it was confirmed that they could not use the Transition Gate to directly reach the Azure Star, at least not temporarily. However, if the Federation could not defend the alien planet, these creatures could invade Azure star directly through the alien planet.

Although the Federation's high-tech weapons work well on the Azure Star and in the nearby space, no one wants to fight the Empire on the Azure Star, because the Empire is not in the age of barbarism. They have some technologies of their own and mastered even more technology in the war against the Federation.

Such as Mechas, and Starships.

If a war breaks out on Azure Star, the Federation definitely won't be able to hold it. The Empire's apes and monkeys will certainly break through the blockade of the near-Earth space, destroy everything that belongs to humanity on the surface, including human life.

Under such premises, only the carefully selected individuals could go to the alien frontline. Even those who live in the base, such as miners, chefs, repairmen, scientists, artists, etc., could play their unique talent during non- war times and could be turned into soldiers when necessary.

There were those who could live on the alien planet from the age of 30 up to 65, such as those people who stayed after the initial landing on the alien planet and survived the Empire's first attack. But no one would allow a 65-year-old old man to squander resources and go to the alien planet, to accomplish a goal they think is impossible and in fact, has no significance.

"We will avenge Ji Chenxing for you, because it's not just your vengeance. It's our vengeance, the Federation's vengeance, the vengeance of all mankind, and far more than just Ji Chenxing's vengeance," said a voice.

Before leaving, Tu Yuan left two sentences.

"I will talk to the relevant parties. You should be allowed to leave here, but only this once. If you commit any offense in the future, regardless of the reason, you'll face the punishment you deserve."

Then Tu Yuan left. On the third day, after three days of silence and losing more weight, Ji Xinghe saw the sun again.

"Ji, eat well and rest well when you get home. Take good care of yourself."

The officer who originally interrogated Ji Xinghe, stood by his side. After he finished these sentences, he didn't get any response. The Ji Xinghe he was looking at in his vision no longer bore the fierce look that he had when he used the shoulder throw. He looked like an old man ready to lie on his death-bed. With a sigh of resignation, the officer added,

"You wanted revenge, right? You, in your current state, couldn't even defeat half of me. Let alone the Empire's apes, you can't even beat an Empire's monkey; how can you even talk about revenge?"

The officer's voice gradually became firm and soft again.

"Ji, even though I don't want to say this, and hope this never happens, but the situation at the frontline isn't good. Otherwise, General Tu Yuan wouldn't have to personally go recruiting soldiers. If… I mean if, just in case the Empire really launches an attack and the war takes place here, on our planet, you still have a chance to take revenge. The only condition is that you're still strong at that time."

The enervated old man, under the sun, once again appeared tall and formidable. His hunched body shimmering like withered weeds longing for rainwater.

Ji Xinghe stared at the officer with burning eyes, making the officer feel a bit flustered.

"Ji, if you have something to say, just say it. If I can help, I will."

"Then…" Ji Xinghe finally spoke, his voice still very hoarse. He indeed hadn't eaten well or drank well these days, nor had he had a good rest. In fact, when he threw the boy over his shoulder, it was on the eighth day of him being in a weakened state.

"Can I personally forge two swords?"

The officer frowned, "You're not talking about the Eight Chop Swords, are you? Ji, everyone uses Mechas and Starships these days. What's the use of you forging the Eight Chop Sword? I can tell you, those are controlled weapons."

"I won't sharpen them, not for now."

"If you're not going to sharpen it, then what are you going to do with it?"

"I haven't practiced in many years; I just want to get a feel for it. If what you said happens, I'll sharpen them then."

You're going to cut through Mechas when you sharpen them?

The officer was speechless. He knew what the Eight Chop Sword looked like – a short sword, only 30 - 40 centimeters in length. But a Mecha had a minimum height of three meters, and the Empire's Mechas had an average height of four-point-five meters…

"Alright, as long as you don't sharpen it, you can forge a pair for yourself." The officer eventually didn't argue with a 65-year-old man, but made it clear: "But you must not sharpen it. And you can only practice by yourself, no sparring with other people."

Although everyone thought Ji Xinghe wouldn't be useful on the alien frontline, it was universally acknowledged that he was capable. General Tu Yuan himself said: "Ji Xinghe could defeat a hundred of me."

Even though General Tu Yuan was a Civilian General, he was still a General. Being able to defeat a hundred Generals was no small thing.

"Alright, rest assured, I've never sparred with anyone, except…"

Ji Xinghe began to talk more, but when he mentioned the only person he ever sparred with, he went silent again.

The officer didn't know Ji Chenxing came second in the military academy fighting competition, so he curiously asked: "Except who?"

Ji Xinghe took a deep breath, "My son."

The officer was stunned, quickly changing the topic.

"Then you must really be very skilled, being this strong despite practicing all by yourself. If you… Uh? General Tu Yuan is here in New Phoenix City this time to recruit soldiers. Why don't you train some disciples to join the army? I heard this kind of open recruitment will occur every year, regardless of background and education. You have a chance."

"Open recruitment?" Ji Xinghe's eyes lit up, "Is there an age limit?"

"They say you have to be over 18, but they didn't specify an upper limit because it's not just a recruitment for soldiers but also other occupations." The officer immediately understood what Ji Xinghe meant, sighed, and said, "Don't even think about it, you would have to pass a physical examination. People over 45 generally can't pass."

A physical examination?

Ji Xinghe suddenly felt hungry, thirsty and sleepy. He needed to eat and drink well, and sleep properly.

He had an examination to attend.