Chapter 012 - Zigong isn't as Good as Me_1

"Little girl, my knife."

The knife, not the bag.

Initially, Pei Jing thought she had misheard because of the noisy cheering around her. She suspected that Ji Xinghe was too tired and wasn't articulating clearly. But when she handed him the bag and Ji Xinghe opened it in front of her, she realized she hadn't misunderstood.

Inside the bag she carried were two knives – Ji Xinghe's knives.

This 65-year-old man, intending to join the army to avenge his child, was carrying two knives. After finishing a 10-kilometer run in 35 minutes, he didn't collapse from exhaustion. Instead, he stood there tall and demanded his knives, just like a resilient pine tree.

But, what use is a knife on the front line of an alien planet? The Empire's apes drove mechas. In front of the average 4.5-meter-tall mechas, what difference was there between these two small knives that could easily fit into a handbag and toothpicks?

Perhaps, it was merely a symbol of spirit.

Just like everyone understood that Ji Xinghe going to the alien front line meant nothing, but he still insisted on going.

Pei Jing, who had many complicated thoughts, ultimately only spoke one sentence.

"Grandfather Ji, do you want to take a break?"

Ji Xinghe also had much to say, but he didn't want to say it. He looked at the camera and simply said one sentence.

"No need, I can still run another 10 kilometers."

Hence, those who saw Ji Xinghe at this moment, who heard his words, almost all had the same thought: This is a stubborn old man.

"Continue the interview, keep interviewing him."

The director's prompt sound came through Pei Jing's earpiece. Pei Jing was well aware of how much the rating would soar at this moment if she continued to interview Ji Xinghe, and how high the click through rate would be in the future. But she genuinely believed that Ji Xinghe needed to rest now, so she asked softly: "Grandfather Ji, when would you be available for the interview?"

Ji Xinghe stared at the camera and fell silent. He felt that Major General Tu Yuan must be watching him now, and Tu Yuan was the only one in New Phoenix City who could decide whether he could go to the alien front line. Swinging public opinion didn't mean they could ignore the rules. The ones who held the rules and made the rules didn't like his behavior at all.

His life at sixty-five was ordinary, but Ji Xinghe had gained some life experience.

"Sorry little girl, I'll contact you when I have time."

It was a polite refusal. As Ji Xinghe didn't ask for Pei Jing's contact information, he'd find it difficult to get in touch with Pei Jing even if he had time.

It was a threat, because Pei Jing's contact information was actually not hard to find as she worked at New Phoenix City Television. Besides Pei Jing, there were countless other 'Pei Jing' wanting to interview him in the coming months.

It was a strategic retreat.

Ji Xinghe walked away from the camera and disappeared into the crowd. But Pei Jing, watching Ji Xinghe, felt a sense of loneliness. Even though Ji Xinghe was in the crowd, these people couldn't give him the hug he wanted. Ji Xinghe was on the Azure Star, but his heart was on the alien front line. Ji Xinghe was alive, but he was already dead.

How she wished to hug this pitiful yet respectable stubborn old man.


"Do you really want to march to your death?"

Watching Ji Xinghe standing in front of him, Tu Yuan emotionlessly asked a rather impolite question. It was impolite due to the age difference between them.

Ji Xinghe remained silent, calmly staring at Tu Yuan. Standing at 1.9 meters tall, he seemed to be looking down at the 1.78 meters tall Tu Yuan. This was also impolite, due to their status difference.

But neither of these men cared about such formalities. They often didn't mean much.

"Why aren't you willing to say a few more words to them?"

Tu Yuan continued to ask, referring to the people who knew Ji Xinghe and had rushed over when they heard the news. These people managed to get close to Ji Xinghe through the crowded throng, but could only helplessly shout 'Old Ji' as they watched him leave in a hurry.

Ji Xinghe who had run ten kilometers wasn't in a rush. Ji Xinghe who had been surrounded by a crowd wasn't in a rush. Ji Xinghe who was facing Major General Tu Yuan wasn't in a rush. But when facing these people, Ji Xinghe seemed somewhat flustered.

Ji Xinghe understood why he didn't want to talk more with the people he knew, and he was sure that Tu Yuan very well understood it too. So he remained silent, continuing to stare down at Tu Yuan, but a plea appeared in his firm gaze.

Tu Yuan was silent for a moment.

"Today's physical tests have all ended, they took longer than we expected. The participants were more than we originally had online. From 7,000 people it became 13,000 people, the additional 6,000 people … were all because of you."

Registration usually involves filling out related information online ahead of time. On-site registration is just a procedure, and nobody really expects those who are unwilling to lift a finger online to sign up physically. However, when Ji Xinghe's simple story began to circulate thanks to his participation, many who had initially registered online but failed to show up at the site, came silently and took part in the assessment. Some who hadn't registered before also came on-site for registration and physical assessments.

In terms of the total population of New Phoenix City, thirteen thousand isn't much. But considering the specifics of the physical test, along with its purpose, thirteen thousand is already a lot. The additional six thousand exceeded everyone's expectations.

Without considering how many of them would pass, this was a good sign for the Federation.

Finally, Ji Xinghe spoke: "No need to thank me."

Tu Yuan laughed. He was actually somewhat worried about Ji Xinghe's health, but now that Ji Xinghe could still joke, there seemed to be nothing to worry about. However, what he did not know was that Ji Xinghe wasn't joking. He sincerely meant no thanks, while he silently added in his heart: I'm sorry.

Sorry to those who passed the physical assessment, to their parents and loved ones.

"I have three strategies, High, Medium, and Low," Tu Yuan asked seriously, "Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Which one can help me seek revenge?"

"All of them could be potential."


"The high strategy is to brand you as the face of the recruitment campaign. You will go through all the cities in the Federation, and then go to the alien frontline with the combined force of the Federation. We will definitely win, and you will definitely be able to exact revenge."

Ji Xinghe, who had just silently apologized in his heart, shook his head.

Tu Yuan wasn't surprised. He didn't reprimand or blame Ji Xinghe. Perhaps he also thought that this, although the most advantageous, wasn't the most humane approach.

"The medium strategy is to send you to the alien frontline, but you can only stay in the rear base. Your military life will be broadcast live, and all you need to do is fixing cars. I checked, you can repair almost all military vehicles. Even if you can't, someone can teach you. Even if you repair them slower than others, it is still a way of participating in the war. If we win, you will be able to exact revenge."

From certain victory to a contingent one, the gap between high and medium strategies is immeasurable.

Still, Ji Xinghe shook his head.

Tu Yuan couldn't help but sigh: what a stubborn old man.

"Do you want a detailed explanation on the differences between these strategies and your responsibilities and duties as a Federation citizen and the father of a Federation war hero in the present situation?"

"No need, I know them all," Ji Xinghe said calmly, "But all I want is to avenge my son."


Tu Yuan rebuked aloud.

Ji Xinghe wasn't saddened, nor was he angry. "Zigong is not successful in this regard, but I can be."

What did he mean?

Losing his temper, Tu Yuan couldn't understand Ji Xinghe's seemingly nonsensical assertion. But his staff officer maintained his cool—this was his duty—and reminded him softly, "Confucius said, 'Zigong, that is beyond you.'"

Tu Yuan quickly recalled a dialogue: Zigong remarked," I don't want what others impose upon me, nor do I want to impose upon others." Confucius replied, "Zigong, that is beyond you." (Zigong: Duanmu Zi, his family name Duanmu and style name Zigong)

Is a man foolish when he can casually quote from the "Analects" to express his own thoughts? No, he's not.

All he wants is to avenge his son. He doesn't care about the victory or defeat between the Federation and the Empire. All he wants is to avenge his son, and he doesn't care about responsibilities and duties.

All he wants is to avenge his son. He doesn't want more people to share his agony. He actually wants to die on the same planet as his son.

This old horse no longer aspires to cover a thousand miles, but rather desires to die on the alien planet, as this old horse no longer has any ties.

Tu Yuan fell silent, and Ji Xinghe asked again.

"The low strategy."

As for the low strategy... Tu Yuan didn't say it out loud. Instead, he handed Ji Xinghe a document that he had received four days prior. Originally, he had planned to give it to Ji Xinghe when he left New Phoenix City, but now he had to give it to him personally as he didn't want Ji Xinghe to seek out death.

"You have a granddaughter, she's six."