Chapter 082 He Charges Again_1

In the second episode of "The Old Man and the Star Ocean", Ji Xinghe's questions to Quezi and Xiazi during his charge and fight in the Grand Canyon were muted and not broadcasted.

Ignoring or violating military orders is a big taboo. Some can prove their actions correct in retrospect, but such situations are very rare. Some can prove themselves by their strength, but such individuals are also a minority.

The Federation doesn't want the young people who joined the military because of Ji Xinghe to make the wrong choices at crucial moments because of him. An apparently minor stumble could potentially cause turmoil among the troops.

However, the mecha warriors of Base Six, both those who have left and those who are new, saw the complete mecha combat video recordings in the Grand Canyon. They all clearly heard the two questions Ji Xinghe asked.

He asked Quezi: Do you trust me?

He asked Quezi and Xiazi: Do you trust me?