Chapter 110: What's the Problem_1?

Ji Xinghe, who had come alone, was not alone now. Su Chuanyun, Andre, Longzi, and Bozi appeared in their Mechas behind him, scattering and ready to charge at any moment.

"Have any of you played chess before?"

In the mechs' shortwave communication channel of the five-person team, Ji Xinghe's question echoed. Su Chuanyun and others responded vocally.

"Sure, we have."

"Ji, you're really underestimating us."

"Except for Andre, all of us are from the Dragon Continent. Who doesn't know how to play chess?"

"What, do you look down on people from Bear Continent? We also have chess, you know; in fact, I can even play Go."

"We don't have a lot of time, so I'll keep it short." Ji Xinghe asked again, "I'll be the rook, you guys will be the pawn, alright?"


"No problem."

"Ji, you saved my life."

"Me, a cripple, being able to pilot a mecha again is all thanks to you, Ji. Enough with the chitchat. Get straight to the point."