Chapter 139 Grandpa, Let's Fight Shoulder to Shoulder_1

Finally back at base six, Ji Xinghe and his Xinghe Squad couldn't spend much time with Master Liu and others. By the time they arrived, the transfer convoys from bases three and six were ready to go, and their new mission was to leave immediately.

"Thank you, take care."

Ji Xinghe took the gifts they had given Ji Rongxinyue, and waved goodbye without saying 'see you', for it might mean 'never see you again'.

The journey back was uneventful. After three days, the transfer convoy finally reached the comparatively safe base five. Despite an influx of refugees, base five didn't fall into resource scarcity as the Federation was well-prepared.

Ji Rongxinyue was delighted to have received the gifts. Moreover, she was overjoyed that Ji Xinghe had returned safe and sound.

"Grandpa, what does 'orbital paratrooper' mean?"