Chapter 157: Problem with the Eyes_1

In a corner of the command hall, a sudden cheer broke out that drew the eyes of everyone in the hall. Before the surprised crowd could ask, someone shouted.

"Lieutenant Ji Xinghe and Major Jackson won, undefeated."

Compared to victory itself, what people cared more about was the adjective "undefeated". The meaning of victory lies in not having any future sacrifices. Could a victory bought with sacrifice truly still be seen as a victory?

"They won? How did they win, didn't that Count Mecha escape?"

"Didn't I just see that Count Mecha charging at Lieutenant Ji...Xinghe? Has Lieutenant Ji blocked it?"

"How is that possible, how did he do that?"

"Who destroyed it? Major Jackson or Lieutenant Ji Xinghe?"

There were many questions. Among them, some individuals weren't happy about the different titles of the two. As fellow Special Level mecha warriors, Jackson already held the rank of Major, while Ji Xinghe was only a Lieutenant, a big gap indeed.