Chapter 172 Ji Family - Aristocratic Family_1

When Jackson thought that Ji Xinghe would be touched by his money and attitude, and thus begin teaching him knowledge beyond the 'postures', he was once again mercilessly rejected by Ji Xinghe.

"I've said, you truly won't be able to learn."

Ji Xinghe's tone softened slightly as he looked at the incredibly disappointed Jackson and said, "If you want to learn, you have to start with learning mechanical repair knowledge from scratch. When you understand all the component assembly methods of all standard-type Mecha models in the Federation, you'll be able to learn without me teaching you."


Jackson frowned, his eyes full of doubt as he looked at Ji Xinghe. "Master, it's not because I just called you 'Ji', that you're trying to fool me again, is it?"


Ji Xinghe calmly picked up a component next to him. It was a knee joint part from a Mecha.