Chapter 221 Truly Terrifying Things_2

In the alien planet, the Federation only owns fifty thousand combat-able mechas, which is indeed more terrifying.

"And Base No.5," Chen Xun added, or rather, continued to alarm, "Do you know what happened at Base No.5 when Ji arrived at Base No.6 for support?"

The Commander did not pay attention to this information, frowning he asked, "What happened?"

"Very simple, it's just a pot of crucian tofu soup."

Chen Xun did not say much more, he believed some people would check.

The Commander did not ask more, he too knew some people would check.

It can also be said that some people have actually noticed this earlier, they just didn't expect such changes to happen.

Everything was all because of a few words from Belrosi.

It was finally proven that an ape that could become a Grand Duke of the Empire wasn't just astonishing in battle strength.

There came a knock on the door, and Jackson walked in alone, sitting expressionlessly at Ji Xinghe's left hand side.