Chapter 251 Some Weird Reunion_1

South Sky Gate Space Station.

In the independent command center exclusively for Lieutenant General Tu Yuan, everyone was paying attention to the panoramic information displayed on the big screen.

The focus was on Colonel Ji Xinghe, who had just led his team to the B72 highlands.

The battle hadn't started yet, but everyone knew that the full-scale onslaught of the empire was imminent.

Command after command was being issued. The real fight wouldn't only involve Colonel Han Li's Mech Squad and Colonel Ji Xinghe's temporary Mech Corps. The ground forces where Han Li's squad was located were the real main force.

The role of the Federation's mech was actually only one, and that was to block the imperial mecha's onslaught.

The destructive force of a mecha against conventional ground troops is unimaginable. What Ji Xinghe once achieved, the imperial mech could also do to the Federation's ground troops.