Chapter 253: Fire at Ji Xinghe_1

The sound of artillery fire echoed relentlessly as explosive roars erupted all around Ji Xinghe.

In the charge, Ji Xinghe continuously maneuvered his General Mecha to evade. Even before his encounter with the Imperial Mechas, the firepower from the Imperial mechas and the Imperial artillery had already barraged his direction.

However, these attacks held no meaning to the mecha.

From a certain perspective, a mecha is simply a more agile tank. With high maneuverability, combined with the mecha's self-equipped missile defense system, evasion of conventional-level firepower is a breeze.

Even if it was inadvertently hit by artillery fire, most mechas' protective armor could withstand it, let alone the General Mecha's body that was built with tungsten steel alloy.

Initial bombardments only slowed Ji Xinghe's charge, they could not stop it.