Chapter 262: Find a Companion for Ji Xinghe_1

A muffled bang reverberated.

Han Li, unable to see Ji Xinghe's figure, blocked a lightning-fast roundhouse kick from him.

This was a purely instinctual response, like muscle memory. Legs parted, his center of gravity lowered, his arms both raised at his right side.

It was only when the sound of the leg colliding with the arms rang out that Ji Xinghe's figure appeared clearly within everyone's field of vision.

Ji Xinghe, in a stance reminiscent of a rooster standing on one leg, his right leg high in the air.

So fast.

So fast.

The first self-commentary marvelled at Ji Xinghe's speed, the second marvelling at Han Li's speed.

Actions that vanished to the naked eye are surely extraordinary.

But all those present knew well, this was not extraordinary power, for they were all on an alien planet where gravity was less than that of Azure Star. Any attack launched with both feet planted on the ground was much faster than on Azure Star.