Chapter 416: His Unasked, His Last Words_1

When the three Marquis apes met again, their circumstances had greatly changed.

Two of them were shackled to metal sickbeds with no sheets or covers, next to medical personnel who were treating them. Their heavy movements caused the two apes to wince in pain.

One ape was chained with magnetic shackles, which could be activated remotely to instantly immobilize it by fixing it to the ground, with the contracting shackles also limiting its movements.

But it was 'free'.

Only two guards in Single Soldier Exoskeleton Armor followed it, keeping an eye on it to prevent it from suddenly attacking the medical staff.

Beyond that, it did indeed have a relatively large degree of 'freedom'.



The two Marquis apes lying in the beds started cursing as soon as they saw the other one, nonstop for ten minutes.

Lieutenant Liu Yingzi didn't bother translating their words because they held no meaning.