Earth Element Three-story Pyramid

"The Special Protection Department is really lucky this time! They actually found a pyramid!" In the dark, a middle-aged man was looking at the yellow pyramid with a burning gaze.

The young man beside him was shocked. "Uncle, this, this lair can actually turn into a pyramid after being broken through?"

"Heh, we're lucky. I didn't expect to encounter a pyramid lair! We'll definitely hit it big this time!" The middle-aged man ignored his nephew's question and continued to mutter excitedly to himself.

"Uncle, is this pyramid lair different from the other lairs?" the young man asked curiously.

Only then did the middle-aged man react and slap the young man's forehead. "I've asked you to memorize all that information, but you didn't listen! After the lair was breached, it would turn into all kinds of buildings, just like opening a blind box! It was impossible to tell before it was broken through! However, generally speaking, the lairs that are breached are either beehives or ant nests. Only a few of them will be of other styles, and the most peculiar is the pyramid!"

The young man rubbed his forehead and asked, "There's something good in this pyramid?"

"Yes! Moreover, most of them were strange and good things! The items produced by the pyramid were of higher quality than those produced by other lairs! This was a three-story pyramid, and it was 90% of higher quality than the other lairs! You have to know that each story's quality increased by 30%! If this is a four-story pyramid, then the three squadrons of the Special Protection Department, including us, who are to pick up the leftovers, will all be in trouble!"

"What trouble?" the young man asked.

"What trouble? The four-story pyramid was a level 2 lair. It could not be taken care of with firearms! Moreover, a level 2 lair will mature if it is stimulated. Perhaps it will explode if it is stimulated. At that time, let alone us, the entire administrative area will be finished! However, the Special Protection Department usually won't make the mistake of misjudging the level of the lair," the middle-aged man said in a bad mood.

Then, he smacked his lips. "Tsk tsk, so the Special Protection Department is really lucky this time. They broke through a level 1 lair and actually opened up a three-story pyramid. They've really made a fortune this time!"

He tugged at his nephew. "Let's go. Step back first. Don't stay here. The people from the Special Protection Department must be mad now. They will beat up anyone who dares to go forward at this time!"

When Lin Zhendong saw that it was a three-story pyramid, he immediately turned around and flew away.

He was familiar with the Special Protection Department and the lair, so he knew how the Special Protection Department would react when they encountered this three-story pyramid.

Sure enough, three helicopters began to circle and expand their patrols after he flew away. The Special Protection Department's military transport vehicles also started to move out, and the cordon expanded to one kilometer.

The loudspeaker of the helicopter and the car roared, "Warning! All non-agency personnel. Retreat from the alert area immediately! Violators will be arrested!"

The treasure diggers were hiding in the dark, and some mysterious guys naturally cursed in low voices and turned around unwillingly.

There was no choice. Everyone knew what the Special Protection Department was like. They did not dare to ignore this warning.

However, they did not go far away but stood guard outside the cordon.

Everyone looked at the container trucks with burning eyes as they rushed toward the flat land. They watched as the large trucks circled the pyramid, blocking the eyes of outsiders.

Because the searchlights were all directed outward and were no longer concentrated on the pyramid. The surrounding container trucks had collectively turned off their lights. Even if these treasure diggers stood on high ground, they could not see anything. It only attracted people surrounding the cordon, leaving them lured and anxious.

All the people on the periphery were praying that the Special Protection Department would be careless and not clean up the lair so cleanly. Otherwise, they would not be able to get a single hair!

Returning empty-handed from a pyramid lair? That would definitely make them regret it every time they think about it!

Lin Zhendong did not care about the difficulty of seeing things clearly. He returned to the abandoned water tower and looked at the pyramid.

With his strange chip, he could clearly see that several doors on the first floor of the pyramid were wide open. Warriors in black combat suits were either holding or carrying things to the container truck.

In order to prevent outsiders from peeping, all the transported objects were covered with large pieces of radiation-resistant cloth.

However, this anti-spying device was useless under the effect of Lin Zhendong's strange chip.

He gritted his teeth. "Hiss, what an ugly creature. But why does this thing look like a mutt that has been magnified countless times? However, this is an earth-element lair. It's normal for a mutt to appear."

His eyes suddenly narrowed as he looked at an entrance of the lair. "Hey, Uncle Chen, Brother Fei, and Brother Bin are all here. Also, why are they smiling so terrifyingly? Especially Brother Fei. He looks like he just picked up a few million. It seems like he's gained a lot."

The pyramid was bustling with activity. In the distance, a few cars with flashing red and blue lights were coming their way. There were also more than ten helicopters in the sky, circling the pyramid.

Lin Zhendong looked at the time and sighed helplessly. "It looks like I came for nothing tonight. It would probably take a long time for them to finish cleaning. Moreover, this is a three-story pyramid. The Special Protection Department won't simply clean up and leave as they did in the previous lairs. Instead, they will clean up carefully. They might even destroy the lair and turn it into a farm. After all, this is an earth-element pyramid. After modification, the output will be much higher than other lairs!"

"What a pity! I came for nothing. Time to go home." Lin Zhendong shook his head and jumped into the darkness.

It was past seven in the morning. Lin Zhendong, who had only slept for a few hours, was exercising energetically on the balcony. However, he heard a voice from the balcony next door shortly after he started. "Dongdong, have you had breakfast?"

Turning to his left, he saw a middle-aged woman looking at him with concern.

"Yes, Auntie. Did Uncle Chen come back at midnight?" he replied with a smile.

"No, your Uncle Chen hasn't come back yet." Aunt Chen forced a smile.

Just as he was about to say something, a wailing voice came from the right. "Brother Dong! Brother Dong! Something big! I'll talk at your home! Open the door!"

Turning his head, he saw a robust young man standing on the balcony on the right. The young man waved at him and turned around to go in.

"Well, Auntie, I'll go in first." Lin Zhendong smiled helplessly.

Aunt Chen sighed. "Go ahead. I know what Xiaohu wants to say. Alas."

Lin Zhendong's heart skipped a beat, but he did not overthink it because the door was already knocked on loudly.

As soon as he opened the door, the young man from before, Shen Hu, immediately rushed in. Then, he took out a drink from the fridge and gulped it down.

"Aren't you afraid of a stomachache? You drink cold drinks so early in the morning?" Lin Zhendong said helplessly.

Lin Zhendong lived in the staff building of the Special Protection Department in Riverside City's Yuandong District.

On the left was Chen Zhengyi's family, and on the right was Shen Fei's family. Shen Hu was Shen Fei's younger brother.

By the way, Li Bin's family lived upstairs.

In this era, unless they were transferred to other posts, they would stay in the same post and place for their entire lives. Therefore, the relationship between neighbors was much closer than that of relatives.

Lin Zhendong was an orphan. With the help of his neighbors and the care of his father's workplace, the Special Protection Department of Riverside City's Yuandong District, his life was so smooth.

As for why Shen Fei called himself uncle? Lin Zhendong called him brother? Shen Fei was calculating from Lin Zhendong's father's side, while Lin Zhendong was calculating from Shen Hu's side.

It was the same for Li Bin.