Mysterious People

Lin Zhendong looked around and immediately understood why he was being targeted!

All the students were either laughing or walking to school dejectedly. He was the only one standing there in a daze.

Not to mention the mysterious person who would notice him, even the passing students would look at him curiously!

Lin Zhendong's mind raced. Suddenly, he slapped his head and immediately opened his notebook. Squatting in a corner, he took a pen and began to solve a math problem.

The students who had been curiously sizing up Lin Zhendong earlier all revealed looks of realization and admiration on their faces. However, they all avoided him and took a detour.

"Eh? Lin Zhendong, are you serious? You can suddenly think of solving a problem at the school gate?" A voice rang out.

Lin Zhendong looked up and saw a classmate from the next class she was familiar with. She grinned and replied, "I just happened to have some inspiration. I want to see if I can solve it."

"Oh, let me see which question type you're solving." The student poked his head over to look at his notes and said proudly, "I know this question. This should be done first, then this." He started to give pointers very obediently.

Lin Zhendong nodded in agreement as if he had just realized the solution. However, his attention was completely focused on the existence had a hint of hostility towards him.

At this moment, the red warning light in his eyes disappeared. The chip peeked and answered. [Target is neither good nor evil (All mortals in the world). Strength: A-rank]

At this point, Lin Zhendong heaved a sigh of relief. He put away his notebook and walked to the school gate while chatting with his classmates.

However, his attention remained on the three mysterious people.


The three black-robed men were currently staring at the scene of the students walking into the school.

The black-robed man in the middle sensed something was wrong with the person on the left. He could not help but ask, "Lefty, what's wrong?"

"Master, I marveled at how many people there are in this world." Lefty quickly replied.

He wouldn't say he was overly sensitive and would be extremely vigilant when he saw something amiss.

It was fine to be laughed at by the master, but it was unpleasant to be laughed at by Righty.

"Hmph, they enjoy the sun and rain, so their reproduction is naturally prosperous." The master in the middle said unhappily.

The master suddenly complained, "I don't know why those old fellows are so stupid and stubborn."

"In the beginning, our Inner World absorbed too many negative emotions, flesh, and souls from the Surface World. There were so many lairs that they almost filled up our Inner World. That's why we threw the lair into the Surface World without any care. This is normal and beyond reproach."

"But it's been decades, and we keep throwing the lairs to the Surface World without considering the consequences. Now, the lair has become a place for the Surface World to accumulate resources, and it doesn't know how to change! It's infuriating!"

Neither of them responded to these complaints.

There was no way to respond. It was a question directed at the top brass. It was better for the subordinates not to get involved.

"They don't even think about it. Even the people from the Inner World would kill those ugly, disgusting, and brainless monsters when they see them. How can the people from the Surface World be an exception?"

"They said we could ease the space in the Inner World by throwing the lairs to the Surface World. It could also disrupt the order of the Surface World and let our Inner World obtain more resources."

"Hmph, look at how the people of the Surface World discovered the lair in advance, cracked it, destroyed it, and finally developed it. Not only did the lair not disrupt the order of the Surface World, it even increased the resources of the Surface World for free!" The master continued to speak angrily.

Lefty and Righty looked at each other. They felt that if they didn't talk, they might let their master's anger spread over them.

They exchanged glances, and Lefty spoke, "Master, I believe there is no other way. Our Inner World is only so wide. Because there are many people in the Surface World, their thoughts are complicated, and negative emotions keep pouring in, causing more and more lairs to appear. We have no choice but to throw the lairs out."

Righty also added, "Yes. Although these lairs have become resources for the people of the Surface World, they are still in the Surface World. This way, it will indeed benefit our Inner World. After all, the flesh and soul of these people who have cultivated are much better than the aptitude of ordinary people in the past."

"This kind of behavior is equivalent to charity from the Surface World. We don't need charity! Because we are the true masters of the Surface World! Servants giving alms to their masters? It was an insult, a humiliation! I cannot accept this!" The master roared emotionally.

Lefty and Righty did not say anything. They were two sides of the same body. No one was the master of the other, and no one could escape from the other.

However, their master was powerful and had a group of big shots with similar thoughts. So, he would do whatever he said.

"Hmph, hmph, those old fellows who are unwilling to change, I will let them know that the times have changed! What's the use of creating those evil monsters? It had not changed for thousands of years! They don't know that the closer a creature is to humans, the more afraid humans are!"

"And only if these lair monsters survive can they truly disrupt the order of the Surface World! Only then could we continue to increase the resources of the Inner World! Those old fellows 'brains are all rusted. They've never thought of such a thing!"

"Now that I have planted the seeds I have personally concocted, we will know I was right when we compare the harvest! " The master pointed at First High School and said proudly.

"Sir, the extraordinary organizations in the Surface World can discover lairs in advance. This seed will probably be killed before it matures." Lefty reminded him subconsciously.

"Humph, humph, how can the seeds I concocted be compared to those randomly scattered lairs? This batch of seeds I concocted will not be discovered before they develop!"

"When they discover and crack these seeds, the seeds would be forced to ripen. Then, the monsters that I modified will swarm out. At that time, let's see how they deal with these familiar-looking monsters!"

"Haha, it's difficult for them to tell who the monster is!" The master was very pleased with himself.

"This seed has already sprouted. There's no need to pay attention to it. Let's go to the next place to plant other types of seeds!" The master waved his hand. Lefty and Righty responded, "Yes, sir!"

Then, the three of them disappeared.

Lin Zhendong, who had been watching the three of them through the chip, could not help but heave a sigh of relief when he realized they had disappeared.

He could not understand what these three mysterious superpowers were doing. They had appeared in that place for no reason, and one of them had even become hostile because of his uniqueness.

He thought of the three mysterious people and saw the light barrier surrounded by red lines.

Lin Zhendong's heart skipped a beat. Could those three people be related to this lair? Otherwise, it would be too much of a coincidence!

Coincidentally, a newly born lair had appeared in First High School. Not far away, there was an S-rank and two A-rank extraordinaries spying on them.

Who would believe that there was no relationship between them?

Were the three mysterious people the same as him? Did they notice the newly born lair at the first moment?

That shouldn't be the case. This lair that occupied an area of five acres would only be a first-class lair after it matured.

Moreover, the area was so small. Uncle Chen's team could probably destroy the lair with just one team.

Even if the lair developed to the point where the Special Protection Department could detect it, they would not panic.

They had no choice but to send two or three teams to take care of this lair because it was too small and weak.

How could such a weak and newly born lair attract the attention of people with S-rank strength?

His S-rank strength should be infinitely close to the nuclear bomb level, right?

Destroying Riverside City alone shouldn't be a problem!

Why would such a big shot care about a newly born and weak first-class lair?

It was not how one should brag.

But if they didn't stop because of curiosity, why did they appear so coincidentally? Why were they staring at the school's situation? And they were even hostile to a student like him?

It couldn't be that this lair was led out by the other party, right?

Lin Zhendong shook his head to get rid of this thought.

Who didn't know that lairs were naturally formed? Perhaps the growth and number of lairs were related to negative emotions such as war, but no one could control the birth of lairs.

Otherwise, such a shocking discovery would have long been described in history books.

After all, the lair had existed since the beginning of human history.

If someone could control the birth of the lair, he didn't believe that the countless elites of the human race over the past few thousand years wouldn't have discovered this.

Lin Zhendong shook her head and threw away these random thoughts.

He nervously stepped into the light screen that enveloped the school.

It was the first time he had entered a developing lair barrier. He wondered what he would feel.