Grandpa Li's Plan

After returning to the community block, Lin Zhendong rushed to his floor and knocked on Uncle Chen's door next door.

Chen Zhengyi yawned as he opened the door. When he saw Lin Zhendong, he walked back while muttering, "You're back? Why isn't your aunt back yet?"

"Uncle, don't stay at home during the holidays! You have to go out and have fun! Moreover, it was only a little past noon! Auntie won't be back so soon!" Lin Zhendong said as he changed his shoes.

"You brat! I just came back yesterday. Can't I stay at home today?" Chen Zhengyi scolded angrily. "Oh, right. It's only two in the afternoon. Didn't you go to school today?" Why are you back so early?"

"I asked the teacher for leave. I don't have to go to school to revise in the future. There aren't many students in the class." Lin Zhendong said casually.

"Oh, that's true. It's just a revision period now. It's good that you're confident." Chen Zheng nodded.

"Uncle, the Bauhinia Legion's men stationed in Riverside City called me and said they want to compensate me." Lin Zhendong sat down.

"What?" Chen Zhengyi was stunned.

Lin Zhendong explained everything in detail and even took out the document and the white jade token.

Of course, he didn't say this was compensation for being attacked by the assassin. Instead, he said it was compensation for helping him find the treasure last time and felt it was too little.

"There are people privately developing the lair. It's just that people like us can't come into contact with it. I only heard about it occasionally because I'm an old employee!" After reading the document, Chen Zhengyi played with the white jade token with a stern expression.

Lin Zhendong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that. He said with a look of longing, "Look at this second-class lair site..."

"Get it! After all, other people can even contract their lairs privately. Why can't you!?" Chen Zhengyi said firmly.

"Then what should we do?" Lin Zhendong rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Let me think about it." Chen Zhengyi got up and started pacing around the house.

Chen Zhengyi thought for a while and suddenly stopped. He stared at Lin Zhendong and asked, "Dongdong, are you going to develop this lair site alone, or are you going to find a few more people?"

Lin Zhendong blinked and looked at Chen Zhengyi as if he was asking a silly question. "Uncle, how can I develop it alone? That place had at least 80 acres of land! I'm here to look for you to develop it together!"

"It's good that you don't eat alone. However, we can't develop it with just you and me. Let me think about it again." Chen Zhengyi continued to pace after he finished speaking.

"Dongdong, is it okay for me to bring a few more people for you?" Chen Zhengyi stopped and asked again.

"No problem. Is it my aunt, Brother Shen, Brother Li, and the others?" Lin Zhendong nodded his head nonchalantly.

"It's them, but I still feel they're a little unreliable. Go down to the sentry box and call your Grandpa Li up." Chen Zhengyi muttered.

"Alright." Lin Zhendong immediately stood up and rushed downstairs.

"You little monkey, why are you in such a hurry? I haven't even waited for the replacement, but you didn't say anything when I asked you." Grandpa Li grumbled as he followed her.

"Grandpa Li, I have to tell you about this." Lin Zhendong eagerly led Grandpa Li into the house.

 "Uncle Li," Chen Zhengyi greeted. 

"I called your aunties, Shen Fei, Li Bin, and the others. They'll be here soon," he said to Lin Zhendong.

"Okay." Lin Zhendong naturally wouldn't object. These were the people closest to him in the district department.

He helped Grandpa Li sit down and even served him tea.

Grandpa Li, who was holding a glass of water, saw Lin Zhendong quickly close the door. He could not help but look at Chen Zhengyi and ask, "Why are you being so mysterious? Calling so many people? You even called me here."

"It's all this kid's fault." Chen Zhengyi pouted at Lin Zhendong. "Dongdong, tell Uncle Li everything."

"Oh." Lin Zhendong had no choice but to retell the story of how the boss of the Bauhinia Legion came to help him find the treasure and how he got the compensation. He even showed Grandpa Li the documents and the jade token.

He was sure he would have to repeat these words when everyone was here. He was too young to have any human rights.

"I understand now. You want us to work together to develop this second-class lair." Grandpa Li put the documents and jade card on the table and took a sip of water.

"Uncle Li, do you think this is feasible?" Chen Zhengyi rubbed his hands and asked.

Lin Zhendong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He had never seen his Uncle Chen so cowardly.

Grandpa Li smacked his lips. "If it's a first-class lair site, we can protect and develop it. However, this is a second-class lair site. It has double the resources of a first-class lair. It's not something we can handle."

"Is that the case?" Chen Zhengyi sighed and looked at Lin Zhendong apologetically. Lin Zhendong was baffled.

"What's your decision?" Grandpa Li looked at Chen Zhengyi calmly.

"I'm going to hand half of it over to the district department. The remaining half will be handled by our families, but we have to ensure that Dongdong gets a large share." Chen Zhengyi said.

Grandpa Li shook his head. "If you think you can control people's hearts, you're too naive. You have to know that there are a lot of troubles when private and official partners do business!"

"It's better to hand over all of it than half of it to the district department. This way, Dongdong can still level up a few levels. There will only be praise and no slander."

"If we do as you say, we'll just have to wait for countless maddening things to happen in the future. Dongdong won't be able to stand firm in the district headquarters!"

"What? What should we do then?" Chen Zhengyi quickly leaned over and eagerly helped to refill the water.

"Simple. Other than us, we need to find a few big shots from the district department to participate."

"Also, take this document with Dongdong to register the agricultural company now. When the time comes, we'll divide the shares. This way, it'll be official and easy, and things will be easier to handle." Grandpa Li said slowly.

Chen Zheng clapped his hands and said, "Haha, your idea is good. But how many shares should Dongdong have?"

"Originally, it was best for Dongdong not to take shares. It would be best for our families and the big shots in the district to have relatives holding shares. After all, we are all public officials. However, wasn't Dongdong going to university? That was all. Dongdong would take 30% of the shares, and the others would each take 10%. Dongdong, you don't have any objections, right?"

Grandpa Li looked at Lin Zhendong.

"No, no objections." Lin Zhendong immediately shook his head.

He had no opinion on how to divide the shares. After all, the lair sites were given to him by others. Lin Zhendong couldn't develop them alone. With the help of these relatives and friends, it would a lot easy for him.

"It's settled then!" Chen Zhengyi slapped his thigh and hurriedly said," Uncle Li, you can rest here. They'll be here soon. I'll take Dongdong to register the company now."

"Wait, Xiao Chen, let me remind you. When we discuss the shares later, don't say you don't want them. Even if you want to transfer the shares to Dongdong, you have to transfer them later. When you signed the agreement, you should have taken the shares." Grandpa Li reminded.

"I understand. I will do as everyone does." Chen Zhengyi nodded.

"Okay, then hurry back. I know it's fast to register a company now." Grandpa Li waved his hand and chased them away.

Chen Zhengyi quickly changed his clothes and asked Lin Zhendong if he had brought all the documents and information. After learning that he had put them in the storage space, he dragged him away.

As they walked downstairs, Lin Zhendong asked subconsciously, "Uncle, didn't you think of getting the big shots to invest in the company?"

"If you don't do this, how can you make my Uncle Li and your Grandpa Li work hard? His network was really wide. At least I can't find where the big boss's door is, but he can rush over at mealtime to freeload!" Chen Zhengyi said with a sly smile.

"Impressive!" Lin Zhendong gave him a thumbs up.