Task Completed

The adults of the few families began to get busy with this Riverside City United Agriculture Co., Ltd.

Of course, the first step was to get Lin Zhendong to duplicate dozens of jade tokens that could pass through the barrier. The company would reimburse the money for the jade tokens.

The second step was to send all the existing shareholders to visit the lair sites in Zilong County on the weekend.

After all, they could only communicate with the big shots of the four departments if they knew the condition of the lair site.

Before they went to the lair site, several shareholders came up with all sorts of ways to borrow a batch of tools especially used to examine the lair sites.

Then, everyone carried the tools up the mountain. After entering the lair site, they began to operate the machines to examine them.

After some investigation, they confirmed that this was the ruins of a wood-type second-class lair site.

After confirming this, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and began to discuss how to develop this place.

In the end, it was the two old men who made the decision. They proposed planting fruit trees here with the help of the characteristics of the wood element.

Firstly, the characteristics of the lair were suitable. Secondly, the fruit trees did not need to be managed. After all, everyone had jobs. Moreover, it was not reliable to hire outsiders to do things.

It would be more convenient to plant fruit trees. The barrier was sealed anyway, so there was no need to worry about people stealing.

Usually, he would come in from time to time to fertilize, cut, and nurture the fruit. Then, they would wait for the fruit to ripen and pick it.

Another point was that planting fruit trees not only made it easier but allowed them to harvest resources earlier.

It was because they only needed to buy fruit trees that were about to bear fruit and transplant them. When they bore fruit, the fruits would directly become resources containing special energy.

This way, there was no need to take care of the saplings and bear fruits. It could be said that this method was the fastest way to obtain resources from the lair site!

Moreover, the fruits produced by the second-class lair site were even more high-end resources than the Green Jade Rice.

Grandpa Li's suggestion was applauded by everyone.

Grandpa Shen suggested that the 8 acres pit, which was three meters deep, be used to raise fish!

Raising fish was also a convenient way. It was easy to change the water, raise juvenile fish, and feed them.

Fish was a resource that was more expensive than fruits.

Therefore, Grandpa Shen's suggestion was applauded and supported by everyone.

Lin Zhendong, the major shareholder, could only nod his head.

After the matter was confirmed, everyone got busy again.

Like Shen Hu, Lin Zhendong could only focus on his studies.

However, Shen Hu was jealous of Lin Zhendong.

Shen Hu had to go to school on time every day, but Lin Zhendong could sleep at home until he woke up naturally or play until he was tired before going to bed.

But there was nothing he could do. He was just a high school student. Moreover, he had a job and was preparing to become an appointee.

Lin Zhendong had nothing good to do after relaxing for a while. The chip had not notified him of the appearance of a new lair, so he could not pick up the loot. Moreover, Uncle Chen's house next door was full of people.

He didn't dare to go out to cultivate. After all, everyone knew that he didn't have to go to school to revise. There was no excuse for him to go out.

It made him a little regretful. Why did he say that he was taking leave back then? Otherwise, he could use the excuse of going to school to revise and then go out for a walk!

However, he also knew that this was only temporary.

Everyone was just busy preparing for United Agriculture. When everything was done, peace would return.

When his relatives and friends went to work, he could go out anytime.

Therefore, other than occasionally calling the shadow out to hang out, Lin Zhendong patiently revised his lessons and even put aside his cultivation.

A few days later, Grandpa Li knocked on his door and handed him a stack of documents. "These are the documents of the new shareholders. After you're done reading them, sign them. After you're done, submit all the shareholder documents to the office to change the company's information. Also, print out the information on the company's shareholder composition and take a photo for all the shareholders to see."

Lin Zhendong took the documents. Before he could say anything, Grandpa Li left in high spirits.

Lin Zhendong raised his eyebrows. Not to mention Grandpa Li, even Grandpa Shen had been full of energy these days.

No wonder the country encouraged people to find jobs after retirement. Their spirits were completely different from before.

Lin Zhendong flipped through the documents. There were many of them, and none of the names were familiar.

There was no need to count the number of documents. Just by looking at the new shareholders, who only accounted for 1% of the shares, it was obvious that the top leaders of the four departments were very generous.

However, this was understandable.

It wasn't a matter of money or power, but the benefit of resources. This benefit could guarantee a good life for future generations! Hence, no one was willing to give up!

Even if Lin Zhendong did not know about the inside story, he could get a clue from the thick stack of shares documents in his hands.

He had already contacted the city government, the Zilong County government, the Yuandong District department, and the Zilong County department!

However, after thinking about it carefully, Lin Zhendong realized he didn't need to be arrogant.

If he dared to be arrogant, he would immediately be taught a lesson by Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen.

He felt that this network seemed useless in his hands because when he got into the capital, there would be nothing to do!

However, when he thought of Uncle Chen, Aunt Chen, Aunt Chen, and Uncle Chen, he felt he had to be careful.

This network should allow the Chen family, Shen family, and Li family to take root in Riverside City. They would develop by leaps and bounds, right?

Lin Zhendong shook his head. This matter was too far away for him.

Therefore, he didn't look at it carefully. He took out a pen and started to sign one by one.

He took the other share documents from his storage space, tidied them up, and took them to the government office.

He quickly uploaded the review, downloaded and printed the new shareholder change information, then directly took a photo and uploaded it to the shareholder group.

After that, there was nothing for him to do. The other shareholders would do everything properly. Anyway, it was his task to focus on revision.

The days passed. Finally, Lin Zhendong was informed by Grandpa Li that the company had entered the official business. The fruit trees were about to bear fruit and had been transplanted to the 66-acre land.

The 8-acre fish pond was also filled with small fishes, and a few houses were built on the lair site to rest and store various materials.

They also built a road from the lair site to the foot of the mountain, connecting it to the existing road system, including the water and electricity network.

Lin Zhendong only heard about it, and Grandpa Li only told him about it.

No one wanted Lin Zhendong to get involved in these trivial matters. Everyone's requirement for him was to get good results in the college entrance examination.

Lin Zhendong did not have any objections to this. He did not even participate in the company's listing ceremony, let alone these trivial matters.

However, it was said that only a few people attended the listing. Only Grandpa Li, Grandpa Shen, and the 40 nominal shareholders attended. No real shareholders were present.

Then, Uncle Chen's house became quiet again, and it returned to the usual state where no one was at work.

Grandpa Li also returned to the sentry box to hum songs and spend the day. Grandpa Shen also went around looking for chess friends and fishing.

Lin Zhendong knew that everything had returned to normal.

He was so excited that he was ready to go out for a walk. However, at this moment, Lin Zhendong received a call from Li Zhi. "Lin Zhendong, the city department has a mission for you to complete!"