The Image Above the Clouds! Everyone's Eyes

Seeing that he could no longer climb up, Lin Bai simply stopped to rest and turned around to look down.

Chen Xiaojie was struggling to climb up. At this point, he was still more than a hundred steps away from reaching Lin Bai. However, it seemed that Chen Xiaojie could no longer move his legs. He stood there panting and looked at Lin Bai from afar.

This was because the Zhudao Peak itself was very high. When the Path-chasing Stairway exceeded 8,000 levels, it had already passed through the cloud layer.

Lin Bai looked down. There was a vast sea of clouds below, and very few cultivators could climb beyond 8,000 levels.

At this moment, Lin Bai still did not know that when he stepped onto the 10,000 levels of the Path-chasing Stairway, there were some fluctuations in the cloud layer below.

As he was standing above the cloud layer, he didn't notice it at all.

"Quick, look at the sky!" At this point, there were the most people on the Path-chasing Stairway around the 1,000 levels. One person noticed the strange movement in the cloud layer above and shouted.

Many cultivators looked up at the cloud layer in the sky.

The cloud layer in the sky had a faint, seven-colored halo circulating the clouds. There were also flashes of lightning within them. Soon, an image gradually appeared on the clouds.

"It's an image of the Path-chasing Stairway! It's projected onto the cloud layer!" exclaimed a cultivator in surprise.

The image on the clouds was moving, but there seemed to be no one on it. In other words, this image should only be projected at a higher position on the Path-chasing Stairway.

Some cultivators had stopped and looked up in awe at the strange scene. It was the first time many of them had seen such a strange scene.

The image continued moving up the Path-chasing Stairway and finally stopped at a very special position. It was a relatively wide platform.

Every 1,000 levels, there would be a slightly wider platform for people to rest. However, the platform in the image was several times wider than every 1,000 levels.

"Could it be the Path-chasing Stairway's 10,000 levels platform?" a cultivator guessed.

Then, everyone was shocked. Could it be that someone had reached the 10,000 levels of Path-chasing Stairway? Oh my god! This was too fast!

Many people would run out of energy after climbing up to the 1000 levels, and those who could climb up to the 3000 levels was very few.

But now, it seemed that someone had reached the 10,000 levels, and there was even an image of the clouds.

Just as everyone was feeling perplexed, a figure appeared in the image above the cloud layer. The person in the image was Lin Bai.

Lin Bai climbed up step by step. When he was about to reach the 10,000 levels, his pace slowed down, but he still looked powerful.

Eventually, he stepped onto the 10,000 levels of the Path-chasing Stairway.

At that moment, Brother Hu was standing on the Path-chasing Stairway. He raised his head and looked at the image above the cloud layer. His heart was filled with complicated emotions. Lin Bai's growth speed was too fast, making him flabbergasted.

On Zhudao Peak, there was another person who did not participate in the inner sect assessment because of his injuries. It was Ye Jue, who had been taught a lesson by Lin Bai previously. When he saw Lin Bai's figure appear in the cloud layer, he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood. However, he immediately felt a chill in his heart.

He realized that anyone who could climb up to 10,000 levels of Zhudao Peak was not an easy opponent. He was afraid that he would be in trouble in the future. At this moment, some of his previous thoughts had already started to converge, and he no longer dared to confront Lin Bai head-on.

In the image, Lin Bai seemed to want to continue climbing up, but in the end, he did not. Instead, he turned around and looked down.

Everyone felt that Lin Bai was looking at them, and they wondered if it was an illusion. However, they all felt that his gaze was filled with dignity.

However, Lin Bai was just looking down out of boredom.

He did not know that the Path-chasing Stairway would project the image of a cultivator who had climbed to the 10,000 levels into the cloud layer.

At this moment, Zhao Fei'er was still some distance away from the 3,000 levels. When she saw Lin Bai's image on the cloud layer, she smiled and was especially happy. She seemed to have suddenly gained new strength that allowed her to climb up step by step.

Ouyang Ruoxue, who had followed Lin Bai for a while, also raised her head to look at the cloud layer. When she saw his image on the clouds, she recognized him as the male cultivator who had secretly followed her.

However, when she realized that Lin Bai had climbed up to the 10,000 levels, her heart shook uncontrollably. Then, thinking back to how this person had followed her for so long because of her charm, she felt a bit of secret pride. Her previous dissatisfaction with Lin Bai had long disappeared.

Beneath the cloud layer, everyone was looking up.

Reaching the 10,000 levels was a prerequisite for entering the inner sect.

Moreover, to be able to climb up to the 10,000 levels, his talent must be very terrifying.

Some people had already identified the male cultivator on the 10,000 levels as the one who had defeated Wang Haotian in one move on the Zhudao Peak Square not long ago.

People had already begun to inquire about Lin Bai's name.

Some of those participating in the inner sect assessment already knew Lin Bai.

Soon, Lin Bai's name began to spread from the lower levels of Zhudao Peak. Not long after, almost everyone who participated in climbing the Path-chasing Stairway knew Lin Bai's name.

"Lin Bai." When Ouyang Ruoxue heard the name, her beautiful eyes flickered. No one knew what she was thinking.

Zhao Fei'er felt an indescribable pride in her heart when she heard others talking about Lin Bai.

Meanwhile, Lin Bai did not know all of this because he was currently above the cloud layer and could not see the projection below the cloud layer.

Ouyang Ruoxue gazed at the image of Lin Bai on the cloud layer, feeling an indescribable sensation. She thought of how he looked at her from behind and that awkward smile, which left her with an inexplicable feeling.


After Lin Bai's figure appeared in the cloud layer, Sect Master Yue Xiyun also noticed it.

"The Path-chasing Stairway is usually only revealed to those with exceptionally high talent who have reached the 10,000 levels. Could it be that Lin Bai possesses such talent?" Yue Xiyun murmured to herself.

Then, she seemed to have thought of something and turned around to look at the elders who were rushing toward her.

Moreover, those few elders seemed to be speeding up.

"I can't let these elders get ahead of me. I'm taking this disciple under my sect." Yue Xiyun gritted her teeth and took out a talisman, looking at it with some reluctance before finally throwing it out.

Yue Xiyun's flying speed suddenly increased by a large margin as she sped toward Lin Bai.

Seeing this, the few elders behind her also used their methods to speed up and follow, but they were unable to catch up to Yue Xiyun's figure. She had struck out three talismans in a row and even used some kind of secret technique to increase her speed to the extreme.

Meanwhile, Lin Bai was still troubled over how to inform the sect that he had reached the 10,000 levels of the Path-chasing Stairway when he saw a golden light flying toward him at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the cloud layer below ended the image display for Lin Bai, gradually returning to ordinary clouds, and his image disappeared from above.

Some cultivators were encouraged and seemed to have a strong motivation to climb up step by step.

Among them, Zhao Fei'er's eyes were filled with determination. Lin Bai had already climbed to the 10,000 levels, so she felt that she had to climb at least to the 3,000 levels!