As I stood amidst the chaotic battlefield, memories of my past flooded my mind. During my time with the mercenary company, my boss had occasionally provided me with books, comics, and even DVDs of popular cartoons, perhaps as a feeble attempt to inject some semblance of childhood into my grim existence. I cherished those moments, brief respites from the harsh reality of my life as a killer.

And now, in this bewildering twist of fate, a scene reminiscent of one of those anime plays out before my eyes. It is undeniably a scene from Naruto, a series I had watched during my younger years. But this is no hallucination or dream; it is my current reality.

As I observed the intense battle unfolding around me, my mind raced to comprehend the situation. It appeared as though I had been transported back in time, inhabiting my younger self, complete with the physical prowess and battle-hardened physique that I possessed during my prime. I took a moment to examine my body, the familiar scars earned through countless missions etched into my skin. It was a relief to find that I had retained my former strength and agility.

Turning my attention to the surroundings, I felt the squelching sensation of mud beneath my bare feet, a reminder of the damp and treacherous terrain. The rough texture of tree bark scraped against my palm as I steadied myself against a nearby trunk. The scent of decaying wood permeated the air, mingling with the tension and danger that hung palpably in the atmosphere.

My focus, however, was drawn to the young girl standing defiantly amidst a group of assailants dressed in black. They attacked her relentlessly, their movements calculated and deadly. While I was grateful for my unexpected return to the prime of my abilities, intervening without any weapons or knowledge of the current situation would be reckless. It was clear that this battle had no direct connection to my circumstances, and I needed to find cover and bide my time until an opportune moment presented itself. Only then could I assess my surroundings and seek a path forward.

My mind raced to process the surreal scene unfolding before me. The girl, despite her injuries, displayed remarkable skill and resilience, evading most of the shurikens thrown at her. The one that found its mark in her thigh did little to dampen her determination. These assailants were professionals, strategically targeting her legs to impede her mobility rather than aiming for a fatal blow. A thought crossed my mind—had it been me in their place, I would have coated my weapons with poison to ensure a swift and incapacitating outcome.

The girl's voice, strained with exhaustion, filled the air as she realized the true danger she faced. "You bastards. Poison!" she exclaimed, her words a mix of anger and desperation. The assailants had successfully poisoned her, leaving her with a limited amount of time to live. In such a dire predicament, she had two choices: fight back and eliminate her attackers before succumbing to the poison, or take down as many of them as possible before her time ran out.

The assailants, acting in perfect synchronization, unleashed an Earth Style jutsu known as the Rock Shower. Sharp rock fragments erupted from the ground, hurtling towards the girl with deadly intent. She fought valiantly, but her weakened state and injuries made it increasingly difficult to evade the onslaught. It seemed her time was running out.

But then, something extraordinary happened. With a surge of chakra and sheer determination, the girl summoned an ethereal power known as Susanoo. The blue skeletal ribs formed a protective shield, shielding her from the barrage of rock bullets. However, it was clear that the strain was taking its toll. Within moments, the skeletal shield dissipated, and the girl collapsed to her knees, drained of chakra and seemingly defeated.

And just as I tried to make sense of this surreal convergence of fictional worlds, a transparent screen materialized before me. It displayed a list of skills and missions, accompanied by a set of rewards. It was as if I had been thrown into a game or simulation, complete with a set of abilities and objectives.


Skill 1: Cloaking [Vanishing Spell]

Skill 2: Oblivate [Memory Erasure]

Skill 3: Protego [Shield Charm]

Skill 4: Rictusempra [Tickling Charm]


In my hand, a black wand materialized, reminiscent of the ones from the Harry Potter series.

I read the mission displayed on the screen, presenting me with a choice: save the target or do nothing. The rewards corresponded to potions—poison potions for non-intervention, or healing potions for saving the girl. This bizarre situation forced me to make a decision with unknown consequences. I had no idea how this would affect my own circumstances or if it would alter the course of events. Nonetheless, I needed more information before I could choose a path forward.

It seemed like a trial or temporary power, akin to those character selection processes in RPG games. But in this dangerous ninja world, I had to tread carefully.

"You fought well, Kara. For a ninja who awakened Mangekyo Sharingan just a few minutes ago... You really did your best. Sadly, this is the end of the road. We will be taking those eyes of yours. But before that, hehehe! We will have a taste of your young and beautiful body," taunted one of the attackers, stowing away his kunai in his waist pouch.

I had no idea where or when I had been transported, but the decision I made here could determine my fate. Poison offered a stealthy advantage, allowing me to eliminate enemies unnoticed, while healing potions promised to be a valuable asset for survival. I didn't want to die again, so the healing potions seemed like the wiser choice. They could potentially save my life in dire situations. But what could I do with these seemingly non-offensive spells?

I scanned my surroundings and spotted a discarded kunai a few steps away. It could serve as a makeshift weapon. With a mix of knowledge from both the Naruto and Harry Potter series, I had a rough idea of how to utilize spells. It was time to put that knowledge to the test.

"Cloaking!" I whispered, accompanied by a gentle wave of my wand. Suddenly, my body vanished, becoming completely invisible. It's a new spell that wasn't from the HP universe. Well, as long as I am invisible, it's alright.


Stealthily, I moved forward and retrieved the kunai.

"Hehe! Go easy on her, leader. We also want to enjoy her youthful body," one of the assailants lewdly remarked.

"You bastards, I'll die before... Huh?" The girl appeared bewildered.

"Kekeke! What's wrong? Can't move your body. Don't worry. It will be over soon. How many ninjas do you think have the luxury of enjoying sex before death? So, sit back and enjoy..." the leader of the attackers jeered, slowly approaching the defenseless girl in his nakedness.

These degenerate bastards planned to violate the girl before killing her, just like the vile individuals I encountered back on Earth.

I had to act swiftly and dispatch them before they could carry out their twisted intentions. However, I had no idea how long the invisibility spell would last.

Drawing upon my years of experience, I silently approached the back of one of the assailants who was relieving himself against a tree, oblivious to the world. The other two were fixated on the vulnerable girl, while their leader closed in on her in his depraved state.

"Haaaa! Finally. Phew!!!" The urinating attacker let out a satisfied sigh, closing his eyes with a relaxed smile. A yawn escaped his mouth, "Kuggg!"

Seizing the opportunity, I thrust the kunai into his mouth and clasped his Adam's apple with my left hand. It was a basic technique—a one-handed grip to crush the opponent's throat while the other hand delivered a fatal blow. Instant death. Perfect for silent takedowns in espionage missions, ensuring no alarms were raised.

I adjusted the force of my grip to prevent blood from spurting onto my face from the severed throat. Slowly, I dragged his lifeless body and concealed it behind the tree. I couldn't afford to make any unnecessary movements and alert the others.

One down, three to go...