"As I thought you aren't affected by the curse like the other males," Tsunade said after finishing her examination. She is so calm and composed. I can't believe just ten minutes ago, she was deep-throating me.

"Well, that's good. But how was the operation?" I asked.

"It was a success. I removed that thing from your brain," Tsunade pointed at a glass jar.

Inside the jar was a creepy centipede-looking thing. It has thin silver strings-like legs, making it look like clusters of hair, except it's pinkish. There is a metallic thing grafted on its head. It's gross.

To think that freaking thing was inside my head. It looks like a living organism, maybe a parasite that nurtures humans to become stronger before taking over their bodies. But that metal grafting on its head... It could also be a machine.

"Is this a parasite or a machine?" I asked Tsunade. Since she is a medical ninja, she should be able to tell the difference between a living organism and a machine.

"Truth be told, I have never seen such an organism. Its anatomy is like that of a centipede. You see that metal thing on its head," Tsunade pointed at the creature's metal head while explaining, "That's the work of a human. Someone carefully replaced its head with that. As for the tentacles, they are like tree roots. They were attached to your medulla and were slowly growing toward your spinal cord."

I see. I was right. It's a freaking human-made parasite. There is no god or anything like that. Someone must have dug up my brain like that movie robot cop and transplanted it into a new body, a human clone! But instead of an artificial program, they grafted a parasite inside the brain to act as a kill switch in case the host gets closer to the truth.

If I go with my theory, then... Does this mean earth found a way to other dimensions like those in movies?! Or is this the work of some aliens like that anime where the old man became a cyborg after he got accidentally killed?

Fuck! This is some seriously fucked up shit. It will be better for me to take a full-body check-up. Just in case they left an emergency kill switch like this parasite or something else as a backup. You can never be too careful in cases like this.

Anyway... now that this parasite is removed from my brain, the ones who grafted it into my brain must have taken notice. Either they will come for me personally... Or they will stir things up around me to kill me within a short time frame. Whatever it is, the main thing is that I am in trouble, and I need some serious power to face them. I can't rely only on that magic wand with a limited number of spells.

"Let's burn this motherfucker," I said as I took the glass jar from the table.

"I think we should study it. We might be able to discover some information," replied Tsunade.

Hell no! In this world, anything can happen. This dead shit might come back to life like those creatures from Aliens movies or that Dead Space game and start infecting people. Then we will have another calamity on our ass. Moreover, that metal thing on its head might be sending some signals to the makers to pinpoint my location. If that's the case, this little shit is nothing but trouble.

So, no thanks. Let's burn this motherfucker down.

"Maybe you are right... But if it backfires, what will you do? For all we know, it might be sending a signal to its makers. If they pinpoint our location... Can you afford to shoulder another calamity?" I asked Tsuande directly.

As a medical ninja, she might be curious to know more about the new lifeform, but nothing good comes from fiddling with alien objects. It's better to be destroyed as fast as possible and avoid future dangers.

I threw the jar on the floor. It shattered to pieces, and the centipede blob fell on the floor with a sound like someone throwing a jellyfish, and with that, a pungent smell swept over the room that nearly made me vomit.

"Fuck! What is this smell? Hurry up... Burn it..." I said while holding my nose. Freaking disgusting. It's like I am standing in a heap of rotten meat.

Tsunade quickly weaved her fingers and held her right hand near her mouth, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu."

A ball of fire emerged from her hand, or more like she blew a ball of fire from her mouth. The fireball burned the creature to ashes in a few seconds. I took a metal knife from the table and pocked in the tiny ash heap to check... You can never be too careful. And I was right. The metal head was still intact.

[Craackle!] I slammed the heel of my boot on it, crushing it like a bug. Only a small fissure of electricity emerged from it before it broke like a toy. I asked Tsunade to use her fireball on it once more.

Well... After hitting it six times with fireballs, it finally melted and vaporized. Talk about durability... Only if humans were this durable...


"Did you talk to Evans' chakra or memories or whatever you call it?" I asked Tsunade after noticing the door of the second room open.

"Yes. I should have waited for you, but his chakra was almost depleted after assisting me with your brain operation. He said you should be able to use your spells without any restrictions. And he left something in the third room to help you power up. You can pick only two for now. After that, the exit portal will open," answered Tsunade.

"Then let's go inside the third room, shall we?" I said.

We walked to the third room and pushed the door open. And once again, why am I not surprised? It's another huge ass room inside that door. It's like those pocket dimensions that I have read in a manga.

However, this room isn't empty or dirty. This place is filled with treasures. Weapons, books, frozen animals, and various objects from different animes and mangas. Man, it's a sight to behold. That Evans guy... He seems to be a true anime fanatic.

"Wow! This will turn the tides of the battle around. But the question is, will the people of this world be able to wield these things?" I said.

Let's take a look around.

"All these artifacts and weapons belong to your world, right?" asked Tsunade.

"Exactly. However, the problem is which ones to choose. There are hundreds of items in here," I replied in astonishment.

"They are from your world, so you must know their use, right? Doesn't that makes it easier?" said Tsunade.

Nope. It makes it more difficult. If I pick something I am not familiar with, it will get me killed. I have to take my body condition into consideration and pick something versatile... Something powerful and easy to use...

There are so many items...

I need to be clear-headed right now. I can't let my greed blind me. I can pick only two items. So, I must pick something that will assist me with the present situation.

Let's take a look around...

Just look at this giant black sword in this glass case. I can't even call it a sword. It's like a lump of metal. I can see a creepy black aura shimmering around it. There is also black blood-stained armor in that case. It's giving me a chill.

What's this?! There is a familiar name written on the glass...

[Dragon Slayer Sword] [Berserker Armor]

Freaking hell!!! Gut's sword and armor! Why the heck would he use something dangerous and cursed equipment like this? Let's get away from it...

Next, I came across a sky-high massive bookcase... Let's see...

[Magic Grimores] [Touch the glass to begin the choosing ceremony]

Nope, not interested. It takes a long time to unlock spells. And it depends on luck. I don't want to get stuck with a useless grimoire.

A Ben 10 watch... Now, this is interesting. I will choose this later. I am sure there are more broken op items here...

Zanpakutos, chess boards, devil fruits, weapons from Fate world, grimoire from Trinity seven, mechas, dragon eggs, some weird frozen mutated animals, the infamous arrowhead from JoJo world, a set of freaking mafia rings from Katekyo Hitman world...

After walking around for nearly an hour, I finally stopped before a stone door.

[Magi World] [Djinn]

Now, we are talking...


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