[Location: Hokage's office]

Before coming to Tsunade's office, I flew around the village to check on the zombies and as she said, they are really sensitive to sunlight and are all standing motionlessly under the shades. Some who failed to run away from the sun fell on the ground while screaming like animals and writhing under the sun.

Tsunade has gathered the available engineers. There were around ten of them. With their help, it should be easy enough to create the things I want. I explained to them my plans. The first thing we are going to make are solar panels and windmills for energy. Luckily, the previous Evans has already made generators, so it's going to be a piece of cake to use them in the windmills for electricity.

The main problem is to make enough UV lights and solar panels to cover the entire village and every home. So, it's hero time. I selected Grey Matter and slammed the dial. With a flash of green light, I became a Grey Matter and things around me started to seem too big for me.

Damn! Everything is gigantic.

Anyway, let's begin...

...[Time Skip]...

[Three months later]

It took three fucking months of work to finally make everything. Six windmills, solar panels for all houses, UV lights to cover the entire village, and some extras in case of an emergency. We also made portable UV bars as small as chocolate bars to help Ninjas stranded outside at night have some edges and to increase their survival chances.

Truth be told, making windmills was a piece of cake, but the UV lights and solar panels were like... Fuck! I don't even want to remember. Let's just say Grey Matter wasn't enough to assemble them. Luckily, with the help of Juryrigg, building them was yeah, well... Easy, but I don't know how many times I yelled the word *FIX* and I have made some highly recommended flamethrowers and incendiary mines.

During these three months, I discovered that most zombies are just aggressive with different types of mutations you usually see in a zombie game, but among them, some can use Jutsus, but what surprised me was that they don't use Jutsus unless anyone uses a Jutsu within their range or vision. This made things easier, don't use Jutsus. So, flame throwers and other explosives are a must for survival.

Apart from the UV lights, we have also grafted electric fences around the wall as extra security measures for those zombies unaffected by UV rays.

Today is the day we make our first trial run. Hope everything goes well.

We are waiting for nightfall. Everyone was tensed and worried. It's understandable since hope is very little in this zombie world. We caught some zombies and tested the UV rays on them. It worked perfectly, now it's just a matter of time to see how our hard work holds on.

To test this, we made some cages outside the walls and filled them with ten zombies. And I am standing just outside the wall. Since it was my idea, I have to see this through. The girls protested and refused to let me out, but I am the only one who can take the risk. So, convincing them was a bit hard.

Tusme and Tsunade were standing on top of the wall behind me. The other ninjas were ready to jump in. Well, time to light things up.

After nightfall...

"Light them up," I said looking up at the wall.

Tsunade activated the main generator. The UV lights on the walls lit up along with the buzzing electric fences.

"Release them," I said.

Tsume threw a couple of shurikens at the cages, shattering the wooden bars.


With growling screams, the zombies rushed toward me.

"Here we go. The moment of truth," I mumbled with a smile as I readied my wand.

As soon as the zombies stepped into the UV zone, they fell to the ground with a deafening shriek and crawled back into the darkness. After that, they continued to scream like zombies usually do.

Phew! A success.

Now the second part.

I blinked on the wall with the help of the apparate spell.

"Girls, bring in the flame throwers," I yelled with a large grin.

Screaming at night is not the liberty the ninjas had before since it attracts zombies. So even with the changes, the fear is yet to disappear.

"What?! Don't be afraid. Those freaks won't be a problem anymore. So scream and rejoice. Let out all the anger you have pent up inside your heart and burn them up on my signal," I yelled while raising my voice to be heard over the screeching.

And just like that, the girls screamed and ran toward the wall with the flame throwers in their hands. Tenten, Sakura, Hana, even Tsunade and Tsume, and many other ninjas were standing on the wall, aiming the flame throwers down on the ground.

"Now, we will test the electric fence. Rain down fire if any freaks breakthrough," I yelled. It's time to fry some zombies, "Switch off the lights."

At once, the field of UV lamps turned dark, making the area darker than usual. However, since most of the trees surrounding the village had been cut down, it created an eerie atmosphere.

The ninjas stood on top of the wall with their fire thrower aimed down. They waited for my command.

In the darkness, the growl of the zombies became louder and louder. They are slowly walking toward the electric fence. The smell of rotting flesh was everywhere, and the sound of tearing flesh echoed, but the zombies were still moving. At least that's what I hoped. The closer they got, the more I could feel the heat emanating from the zombies. If there is anything worse than being burned alive it's feeling the heat from zombies when you're trying to sleep.

This stench wasn't there a moment ago!

I focused on the ground. I can see two new zombies crawling on the ground among those previous ten zombies. Their bodies were covered in boils and smoke was rising from them.

A new variant!

Oh, this will be fun.

"This stench! Exploding undeads!" Tsunade looked at me with a concerned face. Her forehead creased with worry. She looked down the wall and then back at the horde, "Do you think the fence is strong enough?"

"We are about to find out," I replied.

The two new zombies came close to the edge of the fence. Although they are crawling like spiders, they are faster than those slow-walking freaks. And as soon as they touched the fence...

The electric fence did its job.

Crackle! Booom!

The first zombie exploded instantly, scattering slimy green liquid everywhere. It looks like acid of some form. When the second one approached, he too was blasted off the fence and burnt to death. The acid from their bodies corroded the iron fence. Now, there are just regular zombies. But wait a minute, what was that?

Something is glowing underneath the acid. Is that a body? No way! I mean... Who? Wait, why aren't they moving?

The next thing to happen shocked the shit out of me.

Instead of burning to death, the skin changed to scales and fangs appeared on their faces. Then they jumped up and bit the necks of their dead friends and tore off their heads.

"Freaking heck! These bastards are eating their own to evolve, activate the UV, hurry," I yelled. Shit! who would have thought there will be evolving variants on the first test, but it's better this way. I can finally see the limits of our preparation and hard work.

Tsunade quickly activated the UV lights.

"What the hell are those?" Sakura said with a confused expression.

"I'm guessing they are evolved, unlike the other zombies. The only difference is that these two are much smaller. Probably because of evolution," I answered.

"So, these things are evolving even further," Sakura's voice shooked.

"Hey, why the long faces? It's just evolution. There's nothing to be scared of. They aren't the only ones who evolved. We too have evolved. We will burn them to ashes. It's time to fight back. Right now we are the strong ones," I yelled with determination.

They nodded and followed.

"Let's show them what happens to the weak!" I said with a confident tone.

The newly evolved zombies were glowing with a light green hue. They are shorter than regular humans. The scales on their bodies grew thicker, almost covering their whole body. More of the green-tinted their hair which made the hair stand on end. Their skin had a metallic texture and its color was more purple than red.

They dashed toward us, but...

Scrrreccchhh!!!! Rawrrr!!!!

"Hahahaha!" I burst out in laughter, "You ate your friends and gained extra buff, but at the same time, your body gained its weakness. You can not come under the UV rays, can you?"

Tsunade and the others laughed too.

"What do we do now?" asked Hana nervously.

"What are you all waiting for? Get down and burn them to ashes with those flame throwers," Tsume yelled and jumped down from the wall. She aimed her weapon at one of the new variants and pressed the trigger.

Wosshhh! Streams of flames emerged from the flame thrower and hit the zombie.

"Rawarrrrrr!" the zombie screamed as the flames engulfed him. But it's not enough. The scales on its body is protecting the zombie.

The other girls followed Tsume and rained down streams of fire on those two variants. They are shouting and yelling. Some are cursing. Everyone is letting out their fits of anger. The night was supposed to be the power of the zombies, but not anymore.

We are ready to fight back...

The variants tried to run away, but Tenten opened the big scroll on her waist, summoning hundreds of weapons, and rained down on them, pinning them down on the ground a few meters outside the UV zone. The ninjas on the ground chased it outside in the darkness and continued to burn them.

The shell of fear has finally been broken...


AN: Let me know if you find typos.


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