"She looks like a doll," Hinata said while pocking the little dragon's belly.

"Yeah, a squashed doll," I said as I prepared myself to stomp this little fucker into a squash and be done with it once and for all. I was so happy when I thought I was going to own a djinn like the Sinbad and the others, but what do I get? A little dragon who wants to kill me but is too weak, so, she wants to make my life a living hell so that I will kill myself.

Now that I think of it, all those explosions when I was trying to make new batteries... It happened only when I was alone. Don't tell me it was all her doing!?

"You are going to stomp her?" Hinata asked, still petting her stomach.

"Oh, not only stomp, I am going to fry her and bury her somewhere dark and cold," I said angrily.

*Sniff* *Sniff* The little dragon stood up. She scratched her belly while sniffing Hinata's hand. Then she opened her eyes, "Eehh!" She looked around and finally, her eyes fell on me. Her little tail started wagging, "Eeeeeeeee!" she ran and flew in between Hinata's breasts.

Hinata seemed unfazed, instead, she looks somewhat happy.

"Come out, my little sweet dragon girl," I said with a simple smile.

The little dragon peeked out from Hinata's cleavage and then quickly popped back in with a gasp.

"Come on, don't be like that. I am not going to hurt you or anything. Trust me," I said as gently as possible.

"Then why are you pointing your wand at me?" The little dragon yelled in fear.

I didn't even realize when I took out my wand.

In the end, Hinata decided to take care of the little dragon.

The party was over. The villagers are returning to their homes, while the ninjas who are on night duty took their assigned positions. They have already cleaned up all the mess from the party.

"So, you are going to have sex with Hanabi? Is it a one-night stand or are you going to take care of her properly like you take care of Miss Tsume? She is my sister and I don't want her to get hurt. Be direct with her so that she won't hold meaningless hope in her heart," Hinata asks while walking beside me.

She is so direct and bold, totally opposite of the shy Hinata I know. But I am glad to know that her caring nature is still in there. And I understand her concern. One man and all women... Well...

"Hey, I always take care of my girls and that won't change. So, rest assured, I won't break her heart or use her as a fuck slave, if that's what you're thinking about," I said defensively while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't worry, I would never accuse you of such a thing. I know our situation. Just be sure to remember your words," Hinata said softly before leaving me standing alone in front of her house.


Since I have visited her a couple of times before, I know Hanabi's room. The lights are still on. I knocked lightly on the door. I heard footsteps coming closer to the door and the door finally opened.

Hanabi is standing before me in a yellow kimono with pink flowers.  Her hair is tied loosely, revealing a lot of her pale neck. I can see a bit of her ample cleavage. A light pink rose is placed on the side of her bun. I can smell the scent of lavender perfume from her.

"Please, come inside," Hanabi said with a little bow.

Hanabi looks like an angel, but... What am I talking about?! She looks perfect with a blush spread across her cheeks and eyes wide open. Oh god, she is looking at me like that. Like she is afraid I might steal the moment away from her.  My cheeks heat up a bit too. I just nod and step inside the room. Once I sat down on her bed, Hanabi went and sat beside me.

"Is something wrong?" Hanabi asks with a worried expression.

"No, nothing. It's just that I can't turn my face away from you." I said honestly.

She blushed a bright red, "Really?" She says before covering her face with her hands.

"Yes, really. You are a very beautiful girl," I said with a smile.

Her blush turns darker, "Tha-" she stuttered. Her face is flushed with embarrassment but her gaze is locked on mine. She wants to say more but doesn't.

We both were silent for a couple of seconds, staring at each other without saying anything.  Suddenly, I feel my face heating up as well. My lips start forming a smile. I reach out for her chin, pulling her face closer to mine until our noses almost touch. She does the same, closing her eyes slowly as she leans toward me. She looks so adorable I could die.

I am close enough to kiss her now. This is it. If she moves her lips ever so slightly, I will finally do it. My heart is beating so fast right now. We're barely touching each other and yet I can feel sparks everywhere. My mind is buzzing. I want to push myself further so that we'll fit together perfectly.

Our lips were less than an inch away. Our eyes closed as I lean closer. My eyes flicked open as I felt a pair of soft lips touch mine. They are so warm and delicate compared to mine. I grabbed her hands softly and our fingers entangled...

Hanabi's lips move gently against my mouth as she closes them. I can taste a hint of strawberries and honey as they mix. The sweetness made my body tremble. My heartbeat quickens and I couldn't hold back anymore as I kiss her harder. My tongue sweeps through her lips and she eagerly opens herself to it. Our tongues meet each other again and again. My senses seem to come alive as everything feels like fireworks exploding inside me.

My head is spinning with feelings. Her lips are so warm and so soft they make me dizzy with desire. I want more of her. I need more of this... this feeling. I can't describe it, I just know that I want more. I want to feel her lips against mine again. I want to feel her skin against mine. I want to feel her breath against my cheek. I want to feel her heart beating against mine. I want to feel her.

All these thoughts are rushing through my mind as our kisses deepened. I heard a light noise of someone entering the room. I instantly break apart and turned back, ready to use my Omnitrix.


Before I could react, Hinata appeared before me in a blink and pressed her lips against mine. My eyes widened. Did she just do that?! My mouth dropped as soon as she pulled away after a small kiss. I am left speechless while Hinata giggles.

This was just so unexpected.

"What do you think of my surprise reward?" Hanabi said in a mischievous voice.

A threesome!



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