As we reached the outer wall, I surveyed the area, identifying strategic positions for deploying the turrets and machine guns. The watch towers inside and around the village and the rooftops offered ideal vantage points to cover a wide area and maximize our defensive capabilities. We would use these positions to keep track of potential threats throughout the day. If any zombies or humans dared to breach our defenses or attempt to attack the walls themselves, we'd be able to respond swiftly in force.

My team of capable and courageous girls joined me, their eyes reflecting determination and resilience. Each one carried their designated turret or gun, ready to unleash their wrath upon the encroaching hordes of zombies.

We swiftly positioned the turrets along the outer wall, ensuring they had a clear line of sight to the sky. The mechanisms whirred to life as we powered them up, adjusting the angles and calibrating their targeting systems. The turrets were equipped with rapid-fire cannons and anti-air missiles, capable of devastating the airborne threats that menaced our village. As we continued the deployment, I engaged in conversations with my fellow girls. Emotions ran high, a mixture of anxiety, excitement, and determination filled the air.

Sakura, spoke up, her voice determined. "Fred, these turrets are incredible! I never imagined we could create such powerful defenses. Thank you."

I smiled at her. "No need to thank me. It was a team effort. I alone couldn't have pulled it off. Let's give those bastards a hell of a welcome." I pointed my fist toward her.

"Hell yeah," Sakura tapped my fist with her own.

With the turrets in place, we moved to test the guns. Regular zombies roamed the area, providing us with the perfect opportunity to gauge the effectiveness of our firearms. We were lined up outside the plant wall. It's time to clear the regular zombies before they evolve.

"Alright, girls, time to test the guns. Just like we practiced with the prototypes, aim and pull the trigger," I instructed. "Remember, to put the safety on when not in battle. Don't just point and shoot blindly. Bullets are limited. So, don't waste. Aim at their head and pull the trigger once and let it go. Am I clear?" Thanks to the custom mod, the guns can fire 3 bullets at a single pull. If aimed properly, should be enough to kill a single zombie. And for bigger ones with mutated armors, there is a rapid-fire mod.

"YES!!!" The voices of the girls echoed in the area, attracting the zombies' attention. The sun is about to go down and it's dark enough for them to move. They rushed toward us with growling screams.

"AIM!" I yelled, "ON MY MARK! STEADY!"

The zombies are approaching closer, there were approximately forty of them. Luckily they weren't mutated. I also aimed my gun. It's been a long time since I held a gun.

"SHOOT!" I yelled.

The girls took their positions, aiming with precision and firing in controlled bursts.

The air was filled with the sound of gunfire as we unleashed a storm of bullets upon the approaching undead. Each shot found its mark, piercing through their decaying flesh and bringing them crashing to the ground. Our guns proved to be highly effective, demonstrating the fruits of our labor.

Their lifeless bodies littered the ground, like a pile of meat. The sounds of zombies collapsing filled the night air, accompanied by an eerie silence. No zombies came from the trees to attack. We had done it.

"HAHAHA! Hell yeah! We did it," Hinata bursts out in laughter and jumped in my arms, pressing her lips on mine.

The kiss was sweet and passionate. We kissed in front of all the girls as the UV lights activated, illuminating the area.

"You bet we did it," I said as I let her on the ground, "Alright, listen up. Those who are on night duty must carry two handguns. Tenten, deliver the sniper rifles to those on the watchtowers. The rest of you put the safety on and burn the corpses before heading inside. We don't want another mutated freak slamming on the wall."


After months of tireless effort and sleepless nights, we had finally achieved a significant victory against the encroaching darkness. With our turrets and UV lights protecting the village, a newfound sense of security enveloped us. It was time to celebrate, to revel in our hard-earned success.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the village, preparations for the feast and celebration were in full swing. The scent of delicious food filled the air, drawing everyone closer with anticipation. Tables adorned with colorful decorations were set up, ready to accommodate the entire village.

We gathered together, our tired but triumphant faces now adorned with smiles of relief. We have taken another step toward securing the future of the village.

I stood before the crowd, raising a glass in a toast to our collective strength and resilience. "Today, we have taken another step toward securing our future. We have shown that when we come together, there is nothing we cannot overcome. So, start the feast... Each and every one of you deserves it..."

The village erupted into cheers and applause, their gratitude and pride echoing through the air. We shared stories of our battles, recounting the moments of both fear and triumph. Laughter and joy filled the air as we embraced the spirit of unity that had propelled us forward.

The feast was a feast for the senses. Platters of delicious food, lovingly prepared, adorned the tables. Exquisite aromas wafted through the air, enticing our appetites. We indulged in the hearty dishes, savoring each bite and reveling in the taste of victory.

The night sky sparkled with stars, a reminder of the beauty that still existed despite the darkness that had tried to engulf us. Music filled the air as villagers danced and celebrated with unbridled joy. We let go of our worries, if only for a moment and allowed ourselves to be immersed in the atmosphere of celebration.

Sakura and Tsunade were gossiping among themselves while sipping sake from their glasses. On the other side, Hanabi was cooking along with Tsume. Tenten was sitting on the rooftop along with Kurenai, munching on their food. Some were dancing around the bonfire. It was such a peaceful sight to behold.

Starting tomorrow, I will scout the outside perimeters and find some uninfected wild boars and other edible animals and birds. Then we can start our poultry and farm. I am sick of eating the same old plants and I am sure everyone in the village too thinks that way, but pressed by the situation, they couldn't complain. Well, time to end this food problem.

Ino approached me with a wide smile. "Fred, none of this would have been possible without your guidance and the incredible inventions you created. If you don't mind, I would like to accompany you tonight to show my appreciation." She winked at me flirtatiously.

I chuckled lightly at her boldness, which is quite unusual for a lady of her caliber. Nevertheless, it makes me happy to see that she isn't shy anymore like the time when she saw me with Tsunade.

"Humm... Why wait for the night when we can just slip out and have some fun of our own," I smirked back at her, taking her hand. "How about the hot spring?"

"Sounds good..." Ino replied.

We walked hand in hand, our steps light and our hearts full. The path to the hot spring was illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns, casting a romantic ambiance upon the surroundings. The sounds of laughter and celebration gradually faded into the distance as we entered the secluded haven of warmth and serenity.

Steam rose from the surface of the crystal-clear water, embracing us in a comforting embrace. We undressed, letting our worries and burdens fall away with each discarded piece of clothing. In the privacy of this natural sanctuary, we basked in the intimacy of the moment.

Ino stepped gracefully into the hot spring, the warmth caressing her skin. I followed suit, joining her in the soothing embrace of the water. All the tension and exhaustion melted away, replaced by a sense of calm and tranquility.

We settled into the water, side by side, the steam rising around us like a gentle curtain. Ino leaned back against the edge of the hot spring, her eyes reflecting a mixture of contentment and affection.


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[+5 chs up on pat reon]

[AN: I will be releasing the original version of this fic this week. You can call it a prequel on Patr eon. UnknownMaster has re-written a couple of more chs and has sent me the draft. Approx. 30 chs so far. I am still editing some parts.]

[Exclusive +40 NSFW Custom Images. I will be uploading customized arts of different OC characters exclusively on pat reon.]