After our successful venture into the forest, Tsunade wasted no time in dispatching her elite ninjas to gather the remaining animals needed for our animal farming initiative. Armed with UV bars, guns, and grenades, they were well-prepared to face any zombie threat that may arise. We held onto the hope that they would not encounter any more mutated monsters like the alpha fire wolf, but remained cautious nonetheless.

Back in the village, my focus shifted to creating suitable and protected spaces for the animals we had already brought back. With the help of Tsunade and the villagers, we began constructing enclosures tailored to the needs of each species. Utilizing my alien abilities as Grey Matter, I carefully analyzed the requirements of the rabbits, deers, and wild boars, ensuring that their habitats would provide the ideal environment for their growth and well-being.

The rabbit enclosure featured a spacious area filled with dense vegetation and burrow-like structures for them to seek refuge. It was important to replicate their natural habitat as closely as possible, allowing them to exhibit their natural behaviors while also keeping them safe from potential threats. The enclosures were secured with reinforced fences and surveillance systems, providing an added layer of protection.

For the deers, we set up a larger enclosure encompassing a section of the forest adjacent to the village. It provided ample grazing space for them to roam freely while still remaining within our watchful eyes. Careful consideration was given to the vegetation and terrain, ensuring that it closely resembled their natural habitat and provided the necessary resources for their sustenance.

The wild boars, known for their robust nature, required a more rugged environment. We designated an area with dense undergrowth, scattered boulders, and mud pits to replicate their natural habitat. The enclosure was reinforced with sturdy fencing and additional security measures to prevent any escape attempts. These measures were crucial, considering the strength and unpredictability of the boars.

As the enclosures took shape, Swampfire proved invaluable in creating controlled burns within the designated areas. This helped clear unwanted vegetation, promote new growth, and maintain the overall balance of the ecosystem within the enclosures. The controlled burns were carefully monitored to prevent any accidental wildfires and ensure the safety of both the animals and the village.

In addition to providing suitable environments, we also focused on establishing watchtowers strategically positioned around the animal enclosures. From these vantage points, our vigilant villagers and the elite ninjas could keep a constant eye on the animals, detecting any signs of danger or potential breaches in the enclosures. It was a crucial aspect of safeguarding our animal farming initiative and ensuring the well-being of both the animals and the villagers.

With the successful establishment of the animal enclosures and the ongoing efforts to secure the village, we had taken a significant step towards self-sustainability. The problem of meat scarcity had been addressed, and the village could now rely on the animals within our protected enclosures for a steady supply.

As I looked upon the enclosures, observing the rabbits hopping freely, the deers gracefully grazing, and the wild boars playfully wallowing in the mud, a sense of accomplishment and hope washed over me. We had not only found a solution to the immediate need for meat but had also laid the foundation for a sustainable future.

With water, food, security, and a means to fight zombies in place, our focus shifted towards further fortifying the village and expanding our self-sufficiency. We recognized the importance of not becoming complacent, as the world outside our protective barriers remained unpredictable and filled with challenges.

One of our priorities was enhancing the village's defensive capabilities. We reinforced the existing walls and barriers, implementing additional layers of protection to ensure the safety of our community. The elite ninjas and skilled villagers worked tirelessly, setting up traps, barricades, and early warning systems to detect and deter any approaching threats.

Understanding that unity and cooperation were essential for our survival, we continued to conduct regular training sessions for all villagers. This included combat techniques, emergency response drills, and knowledge-sharing sessions on zombie behavior and strategies for effective defense. It was crucial for everyone to be prepared and capable of contributing to the village's overall security.

In addition to defense, we also focused on expanding our agricultural efforts. With the successful establishment of animal farming, we ventured into cultivating crops to further supplement our food supply. Using our knowledge of the surrounding land and the expertise of the villagers, we identified fertile areas suitable for farming. Utilizing sustainable practices, we began cultivating a variety of crops, including vegetables, grains, and fruits.

To ensure a consistent water supply for both our agricultural endeavors and the needs of the village, we explored methods of water conservation and purification. With the assistance of the ninjas, we set up filtration systems, dug up well using Armadillo, filled up the reservors with Water Hazard's ability and rainwater collection systems. This allowed us to utilize available water sources efficiently, minimizing wastage and reducing our reliance on external sources.

To further enhance our means of defense against zombies, we sought to expand our arsenal. Working with the ninjas, we conducted research and development to create specialized weapons and tools tailored for combating the infected. These included improved UV weaponry, advanced grenade designs, and innovative methods of zombie containment.

As time went on, we realized the importance of maintaining contact with other surviving communities. We established a network of communication with nearby outposts and increased the security to max.


One morning, a familiar figure and her dedication caught my eyes when I was patrolling the wall.

As I approached Sakura, I couldn't help but notice her dedication and determination as she relentlessly pummeled the sandbag. Her unwavering focus and disciplined training reminded me of my own days in the military base, honing my skills through bare hand combat. It was clear that Sakura possessed incredible strength and experience, but in a world where traditional ninjutsu proved ineffective against high ranked mutated zombies, a different approach was needed.

Taking a deep breath, I approached Sakura with a humble demeanor, acknowledging her prowess while also recognizing the value of my own knowledge in hand-to-hand combat. I understood that speed and precision were often crucial when dealing with the relentless undead.

"Sakura," I said, my voice filled with genuine respect, "I've noticed your incredible strength and experience. But in this world, brute force alone may not always be the most effective approach against the mutated zombies. They're fast, unpredictable, and resilient."

Sakura paused her strikes, turning towards me with a curious expression. She wiped the sweat from her brow, her gaze meeting mine. "What do you suggest, Fred?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue.

I stepped closer, my eyes meeting hers as I began to share my insights. "Speed and agility can be invaluable in close-quarters combat with the infected. Quick, precise strikes aimed at vulnerable points can incapacitate them swiftly. It's about exploiting weaknesses and conserving energy, rather than relying solely on raw strength."

I demonstrated a series of swift punches and evasive maneuvers, emphasizing the importance of technique and timing. "Keep your movements fluid, Sakura. Focus on your footwork, constantly shifting and adapting to the ever-changing circumstances. Use your strength strategically, delivering rapid, well-placed strikes that exploit the vulnerabilities of the zombies."

Sakura listened intently, her eyes brightening with a newfound realization. "Yeah. Lady Tsunade said the same thing. I have been trying to do that, but it's hard."

I smiled, encouraged by Sakura's willingness to embrace new strategies. "Don't give up. I know you can do it. Believe in yourself. We're all adapting to this new world. By combining your monstrous strength with speed, precision, and critical hits, you'll become an even more formidable force against the infected."

"Alright, give me some more pointers," Sakura resumed her training.

As Sakura resumed her training, I offered her guidance and support, sharing my expertise in hand-to-hand combat and providing feedback on her technique. We spent hours together, exchanging knowledge and honing our skills, each of us benefiting from the other's unique perspective.

**********[Need power Stones]******[I will end vol 1 this month with the pregnancy tag and then I will pause this one. I am not getting the response I was looking for. Maybe I will continue the Dual Identity starting next month.]*******

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